07 | lucas, ethan & secrets

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Maya woke up next to Riley. It was still awkward for them Maya woke up and went over to the kitchen.

She grabbed the box of cereal and filled the bowl. She went to the dining table to eat and heard a loud pound on the door.

She got up and opened the door. It was Ethan
"What do you want?" She asked
"I need Riley" he said looking in the apartment
"And why do you need Riley?" She asked again.

"I love her that's why!" He yelled. Maya furrowed her brows
"What?" She asked softly
"I love her! And I need to tell her!" He told me and tried to go in the apartment. Maya pushed him out the door.

"No you can't like Riley, you'll break her heart again" Maya said
"And I warned you about what happens if you do" she said. Ethan picked Maya up and put her on his shoulder.

"What the hell are you doing?" Maya asked while trying to get off his shoulder
"Something I wanted to do for a long time" he said and went inside the apartment. Maya's eyes widened.

He threw Maya on to the couch and went on top of her. He presses his lips against hers and Maya's was trying to get away.

He went from her lips to her kneck. Leaving marks, Maya screamed and yelled but he covered her mouth.

"What's going on here?!" Riley yelled as she saw Ethan on top of Maya. Ethan stopped and went over to Riley.

"There's the girl I was waiting to see" Ethan said as he tried to hug Riley. She backed away in disgust
"Why are you here?" Riley asked
"I'm here visiting my girlfriend" he said combing through Riley brown locks.

"Not your girlfriend anymore" Riley said slapping his hand off her hair.

Ethan grabbed Riley's wrists as hard as he can and she groaned to the pain.
"If you ever disrespect me again I will kill you" he whispered in her ear and kissing her cheek.

Maya came from the back and slammed the pan she had into his head. He fell and Riley looked surprised.

"I told you, if you ever try or hurt her you'll regret it" Maya said to the body laying on the hardwood.

"Peaches! Thank you" Riley said hugging Maya
"Your welcome I warned him" Maya said.

"Thanks for protecting me" Riley said. Maya smiled in response and looked at Ethan on the ground.

"So what are we gonna do with that?" Maya asked. Riley smiled.


"Here?" Maya asked. She looked around just to see that they were in an alley full of garbage
"Yep, an alley full of his people" Riley said looking around.

Maya sniffed and coughed to the horrible scent filling the air.
"Okay let's just go I can't stand this" Maya said. Maya and Riley threw him into the garbage.

"Jesus he's heavy" Riley said. Maya laughed and they both ran out before anyone got suspicious.

They ran into the sidewalk and looked behind them too see if anyone was following. When they looked back in front of them. They bumped into Lucas who was walking.

"Ugh watch where you going" Maya said. Lucas smiled
"I don't think I have too, you have too" Lucas teased.

"So what were you guys doing in that alley" he asked loudly making other people stare. Riley pushed him on to the brick wall of the nearest building.

"Shhhhh you can't let anyone know about that" Riley told him
"Yeah huckleberry it's a secret you better not tell anyone" Maya said. Lucas nodded and got out of Riley's grip.

Lucas went over to Maya's place with Riley and they discussed what happened. His eyes widened, he couldn't believe it.

Riley & Maya.

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