06 | adjusting & sleepovers

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Riley's POV
Of course I bought the new house for my bestfriend, she's my bffl and whatever she needed I promised I would give it too her. Yes, she's gonna pay me back but I didn't care about that.

We just finished unpacking the rest of Maya's clothes.
"You ready peaches" I told her
"As long as I'm with you of course" she said and smiled. I smiled as well.

Maya walked off to her room as she packed her clothes into the drawers and Farkle walked up to me
"Riley?" He asked while tugging on my hand. I went on my knees to reach his height
"Why did you buy us this house?" He asked. I smiled
"Because Maya is my bestfriend. I would do anything for her" I told him.
"Do you love her?" He asked me and I sighed
"I do love her" I told him.

He smiled and walked over to Maya's room as I followed
"Maya!" He yelled. Maya walked up to him
"Yes" she said
"Riley loves you!" He told her. She looked up at me and smiled as I smiled back
"I know she does. I love her too."

"Go play with your toys in your room Farkle" Maya told him. He left to his room and Maya walked up to me. She hugged me and I hugged her back.

"Thanks for everything riles" she told me. I smiled
"Your welcome peaches" I told her. I broke the hug
"Can I sleep over" I asked. She nodded
"Oh," she while she walked over to the kitchen and grabbed two Hennessy out of them.

"And these" she said with a smirk. I laughed
"What about Farkle?" I asked her
"I found a babysitter don't worry she'll be here at 7:30pm to pick him up" she told me. I smiled
"This is going to be an interesting night" I whispered.
Maya's POV
I heard a knock on the door it was Farkle's babysitter. I opened the door and walked Farkle up to her, I kneeled down
"Okay you're going to spend the whole night with her" I told him. He nodded, I kissed his forehead
"Call me if anything goes wrong" I told him as his babysitter grabbed his hand and walked into the distance.

I slammed the door as I heard the engine of her car start.
"Who's ready to party?" I yelled. Riley came out of my room dressed in a short tight red dress with 8 inch stilettos on. I looked at her confused
"I'm ready to party" she said while walking down the 1 step we had dividing the dining room and the living room. She almost fell but I quickly caught her.

"What are you doing?" I asked her
"I'm getting my party on!" She said while getting up and grabbing the Hennessy's from the table.

She tried opening it and I grabbed it from her and set it back down on the table
"First of all you need to go change" I said looking at her up and down
"Why? I thought we were going out" she told me frowning.

"No! I said we were gonna stay here and party" I told her. She looked away
"Ohhhhhh" she said. I nodded
"I'm gonna go change then" she added and walked back to my room. She tripped and it took her about 20 minuets to get out of that dress.

She came back out in her pj's. I smiled
"Finally! A decent outfit" I yelled. She smiled and pulled her hair behind her ear.

"I wouldn't mind the other outfit though" I whispered. She looked at me with wide eyes
"What?!" She yelled
"What" I said and put a smirk on my face. Her face stayed in the shocked expression.

We stared into each others eyes for about 10 minuets. I started to see her as something way more than a friend and I'm sure she felt the same way. We got closer to each other, she grabbed my face. I closed my eyes and before our lips could touch.

The doorbell rang. I opened my eyes and ran to the door, it was the Chinese food I ordered a couple of hours ago and completely forgot about it.

"That will be $23.55" She told me, I smiled and went back inside to get my wallet and payed the cash and closed the door behind me.

I looked at Riley who was still looking at me. I put the food on the table
"I ordered this a couple of hours ago" I said trying to break the awkwardness.
"Oh" was all that came out of her mouth.

"What was that?"I told her referring to the almost kiss
"I don't know, was I about to kiss my bestfriend?" She asked
"I don't know" I said back. We looked at each other confused.
I don't know.

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