11 | knowing & falling

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Riley's POV

We were so glad we got one of our old friend back.

We hung out with her all day yesterday talking about what she has been doing all this time while Lucas did something with Ethan's body.

I thanked her about 100 times, she said it was fine.

She basically saved my life from the person that I thought I loved but actually hated.

I called Elena and told her to come by my place again so we could talk.


I heard a knock on the door and opened it slowly.

"Hi!" Elena said smiling. I smiled as well and invited her inside.

"So why did you call me?" She asked and looked around
"I called you so we can talk about life!" I lied sounding way more enthusiastic than I thought.

She gave me a sarcastic look
"Okay! I need help with Maya!" I said.

She looked at me confused
"You and Maya are a thing?" She asked
"Yes! Didn't you see what happened that day?" I asked. She nodded.

"I think that after we broke up we haven't had the same affection we had before" I told her.

"Riley, people who love each other fight" she told me. I smiled
"You guys would get through major obstacles in life because life wants you together," Elena continued.

"I'm very blessed to have people in my life who care about me" I tell her, she grabs my hand
"Oh course you are, we will be here for you. Always" she tells me.

I smile and hug her
"Thanks Elena for everything" I say. She hugs back
"Your welcome riles" she says back.

A tear escaped from my eye as I let go.

"I know you guys are not hanging out without me" we heard a feminine voice say.

We turn around and Maya was standing at the door with a brown paper back in her hand. She was grinning.

I ran up to her and hugged her as tight as I could
"I'm sorry I've ever done anything to hurt you, I promise I'll never leave your side again" I tell Maya.

"I promise you too riles, I love you" she says
"I love you too" I tell her. I grab her head slowly and kiss her.

I broke the kiss and looked down at the brown bags in her hand
"What is that?" I ask curious. She grinned and went to Elena.

She hugged her tightly and set the bags on the table.

"We are gonna have fun tonight ladies!" Maya said with a mischievous smile. She slowly un wraps the bag.

It reveals two big bottles of tequila. My eyes widened
"Hadn't had this much fun in years" Elena says looking at the tequila bottles on the table.

"You got shot glasses riles?" Maya asks as she goes into my kitchen
"Yeah, the top shelf" I say. She stares at me and gestures to the shot glasses.

"Oh yeah!" I say softly and go over and grab them. Maya is too short to even reach the top shelf.

Maya fills three shot glasses and smirks.

We all grab one
"To friendship!" Maya screams. Me and Elena smile at each other
"To friendship!" We say in unison.

We drink it as fast as we could. I cringed of the bitter taste it gave me. I wasn't a huge fan of tequila but the look on Maya and Elena's face they were.

Maya yelled and poured another 3 shots for us, I sighed thinking one was already enough.

I grabbed the shot glass slowly and drank it as the disgust look on my face disappeared.

Maya and Elena smiled at me and drank away.


After long hours of drinking, taking, laughing, yelling, vomiting we all ended up on the couches in my living room.

Elena and Maya were sleeping while I was still awake thinking about what I have done.

I heard a soft knock on the door. My eyes slowly turned from the TV screen to the door, I groaned seeing how for the door was from me.

I got up and walked over to the door. I opened it slowly and Lucas appeared with a huge smile on his face.

"What?" I groaned
"I'm here to see Elena because I know she's with y'all" he says. I look at her on the couch sleeping.

I open the door and point at Elena sleeping on the couch with Maya
"There she is" I say.

He smiles and walks in he picks her up bridal style
"What are you doing?" I asked
"I'm taking her back home" he says. I look at him confused.

"She lives right next to me" he explains
"Oh yeah" I said in realization.

He walks her out and I watch them go down the street.

I slam the door forgetting Maya was sleeping.

"What!" She screams and sits up on the couch. I look over at her and slap my forehead.

"I forgot you were here, peaches" I say walking to her and sitting by her.

"It's okay riles, I actually have to go get farkle right now" she tells me
"Can I tell you something?" I ask.

She nods
"We are going to go through so much" I say
"Like fight, arguments and everything. But it's not gonna stop me from ever loving you Maya" I continue. Her face lights up.

"And I can feel my self falling for you all over again Maya" I say and grab her hand
"I love you Maya, I always will and I know it for sure" I continue.

Tears start forming in her eyes along with mine
"I love you Riley, I will never forget that" she tells me.

I give her a tight hug and kiss her cheek softly
"I'm gonna call Farkle's babysitter and tell her to watch him this whole night" Maya says grabbing her phone and making a quick call.

I smile and tuck her in bed with me.

"Goodnight peaches" I say
"Goodnight honey" she says. I smile and turn off the lamp on my nightstand.

Riley is falling for Maya all over again, Lucas took Elena home, Elena is the advice giver. She gave us our rilaya back.

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