10 | sadness & new friendships

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Maya's POV

After that night at Topanga's I ran home, and into my room. I stuffed my face into the pillow and immediately started sobbing.

I left mascara dripping down my face and onto the pillow. I can't believe I said all those things to Riley.

I heard a knock on my door, Farkle walked through
"Are you okay, Maya?" He asked. I wiped the tears off my face.

"Yeah, I'm fine" I lied and sniffled. He came closer to me
"You don't look like your fine" he tells me.

I sigh and pick him up so he can sit on my lap.

"Me and Riley had a fight, Farkle" I told him
"Now we are not friends" I continued. His eyes widened.

"No more Riwey!" He screamed, I shook my head
"Hopefully it's not for long" I tell him.

"Will everything be okay?" He asked. I looked at him and kissed his cheek
"Of course it will be" I says as I pull him into a tight hug.

He runs out of my room and into his.

I walk out and to the living room where I would usually watch TV but this time I sat there thinking about what life could've been.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket, I took it out and it was Lucas. He was the last person I wanted to talk too.

"What" I said angrily
"Sorry short stack, did I disturb your beauty sleep or something?" He joked.

"Look you're the last person I want to talk to right now. You tell me why you called me or leave me alone" I said as serious as I can showing that I wasn't playing.

"Well, I called you to see how your date with Riley was" he tells me. My eyes water
"I-It was gr-great Lucas" I stuttered and wiped the tear from my cheek.

"You're crying, I could hear it. What happened?" He asked
"Riley kissed another guy" I say and I sob
"Right in front of me!".

Tears started pouring out of my eyes.

"Maya, I'm sorry. Do you want to hang out later, not in a romantic way!" He tells me, I let out a small giggle
"Yeah, that would be great" I say sniffling.

"I'll come by your place around 2" he tells me
"Okay, see you then" I tell him.

I hang up immediately and walk off to my room where I laid on my bed and looking into my closet.

I'm not gonna wear anything special.

Riley's POV

I cried for hours and hours, I should've never let him kiss me.

It was all a mistake, I didn't mean to it was a reflex I pushed him off but not in time.

I had to get out and clear my mind up.

I love Maya, she doesn't believe it. I would never like anyone else or love.

I got up and walked into my closet which had racks and racks of clothes.

I dressed into a light blue shirt and I shorts.

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