Chapter 5- What do You Want From Me

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Cheyennes pov

I was about to get in the shower when I saw the scariest thing ever. A GIANT SPIDER CRAWLED OUT THE DRAIN. I screamed so loud I'm pretty sure the whole block heard me. All the guys ran in the bathroom. NOTE: I'M NAKED. Lucky for me Harry was the first one in. Louis started to check me out and Harry stepped in front of me and told him to back off. 

Once all the boys were out Harry asked me what was wrong. I turned around to see the spider gone. I closed the shower drain to make sue no other spiders could get in so he couldn't have crawled back down. So I freaked out and ran out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel. Harry ran after me and once I reached our room I saw like three spiders in the door way so I screamed and turned around to run away and me and Harry tumbled to the floor. A spider landed right on my chest so I screamed and pushed it off and ran strait to Louis' room. He was sitting on his bed, i asked him for some clothes he gave me some and went to get me a pair of his TOMS from the closet.

As soon as he opened the closet five roaches ran from in his shoes. I ran to the only room I knew would be clean and bug free, Zayn's.

When I open the door I see my self in bed. So I just walk around in the room and lay in my figure. Once I layed down I was sat right back up coverd on sweat. All that was a fucking dream I fell back to sleep.

As I get up to go to the bath room I see my phone and I have a text. The text is from Harry.

From: Hazza

hey babe, me and the lads went to go get food be back soon. xx;) -H

Looking at that text I smiled. But I am in big trouble when my boss finds out the boys are out alone. Just as I finish the thought my phone started ringing. Speak of the devil.

Me: Heyy boss

Boss:Don't 'heyy boss' me why are the boys alone?!

Me: I'm really sorry I was asleep and when I woke up I had a text from Harry saying they went to get breakfast.

Boss: Yeah yeah. Mess up again and you are done.

Me: C'mon boss. You know that if I was up they would be by my side.

Boss: I don't care now call the boys to make sure they are still alive!

And with that he hung up. I looked over at the door and saw a sad looking Harry.  "Heyy what's wrong hunn?"

I asked Harry with a sad smile. " It's my fault your boss is nad at you I shouldn't have left."

We talked a while mainly me telling Mr. Styles that it was not his fault. After all this I went down stairs and attacked the refrigerator.


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