Chapter 18- The end of trimester 2

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Harry's P.O.V.

Me and Cheyenne are at the six month check up and Cheyenne is currently on the bed, chair thing.
(A/N I'm sure you all get it now.)

D- Okay are you ready?
C- Yeah, go for it.
D- Okay this is gonna be cold.
C- Can we get it over with?
H- Be nice, love.
D- No it's okay, she's carrying an extra thirty pounds.
C- Thirty? How?
D- Either you are having triplets or your baby has six legs and three heads.
C- Harry. Three little Styles running around.
H- Wow. 
D- Do you want to know the sexes?
H,C- Yeah
D- Boy, Girl, and.... girl.
H- I just hope they don't look exactly alike.
C- yeah, no kidding.

The car

H- We have 2 names. You pick the first name, I'll pick the middle.
C- Okay, Tracey. And can we stop at McDonald's we're hungry.
H- Sure, and I can't think of a middle name.
C- What about Anne?
H- Anne? Why?
C- Harry, what the fuck is your mother's name?
H- Anne. Wh-- Ohhhh.
C- I hope they all have my brains.
H- Shut up.
C- Oh and Harry, How is the cat I bought you? I mean she isn't with us.
H- I got Simon to watch her 
C- oh okay.


We got home and about to tell the boys.

Oh and Tracey.

Lou- How was the check up?
H- We have a surprise.
N- What
H- guess
N- No
H- Yes
N- no
H- yes
N- no
H- yea
N- No
C- Shut up. I'm pregnant with triplets.
T- AWWW what are they?
C- 2 girls, 1 boy
T,Z- names?
T- Jinx.
C- Brent James Styles. The James for Niall.
H- Darcy Louise Styles. Louise as in Louis.
C- And Tracey Anne Styles. 

Wattpad hates me so it put chappy 19 before this one so sorry if you are confused

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