Chapter7- Zayn and the GF

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Cheyenne pov

It has been two weeks and Harry is just allowed to leave the hospital. Taylor is in prison for life. And since Harry is just getting home we are gonna have a night of truth or dare.

"Harry you can go first, since you haven't been home." That believe it or not was Louis.

"Okay. Liam truth or dare?" Harry asked Liam.

"Uhm, I am going to go with dare."

"I dare you to use a spoon with the ice cream I am about to go get." Harry smirked while looking at Liams face.

"And what happens if I don't? There is nothing worst than using a spoon."Liam said trying his hardest to get out of it.

"Okay then you have to sleep in the bath tub and I am going to prove you wrong when you wake up tomorrow."Harry said with an evil smirk. Liam looked like he peed his pants, but nodded."

"Okay Liam you go next." I said looking at him.

"Easy, Zayn truth or dare?" Liam asked Zayn.

"Ummm truth?" Zayn said it coming out more as a question.  

"Wuss." I mumbled just loud enough for every one to hear.

Liam shook his head. "Fine... What did you and Mikaela do last night?"

Zayn's eyes went wide as he started to choke on his sprite. "We went out to dinner and when we were done... wewentbacktoherhouseandhadsex."

I smile because I was the only one who heard what he said, the boys still confused as ever I told them. " Zayn and Mikaela fucked last night."

A ton of 'oh's went across the room as Zayn turned bright red."Okay my turn. Cheyenne, Truth or dare?" Zayn asked with an evil smirk. 

"Dare." I stated proudly.

"Are you a virgin?" he said wiggling his eyebrows.

" That is not a dare." I said refusing to answer his question.

"Then I dare you to answer the question." He smiled proudly to him self.

"You evil person. So how old are you again?" I asked trying to avoid having to answer.

"Old enough now answer the question." 

" Hello there floor fuzz. yes they are being extremely nosy." I said looking at the floor.

"Layla Cheyenne tell us."

"How dare you call me by my first name." I said trying to keep a strait face.

"Cheyenne you chose dare."

"Imma be going to Narnia now bye." I said before I tried to run off. Louis caught me before I got to escape. He put me on the sofa next to Harry knowing I wouldn't want to move.

"Fine Iamaneighteenyearoldvirgin." I said all in one breath.

"What?" Harry asked looking at me.

" I AM A VIRGIN." I said as loud as possible in his ear. 

He gave me a flirtatious grin and kissed me. We were kissing for a little while till i got a pillow flown at my head. When me and Harry pulled apart he looked at me and said "We can always change that." I blushed a deep shade of red. 

We played truth or dare for a little longer before heading to bed.


I woke up to the sound of screaming. It was coming from Liam's room. I ran as fast as I could down the hallway. When I finally got to Liam's room I couldn't help but laugh.

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