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 4 years later

Cheyenne's P.O.V.

When Darcy and Brent turned 3 Harry and I started to try and have more kids. The twins are 4 so as you can see nothing has been happening. Harry and I are going to the doctor to see what is wrong.

at the doctor

The doctor took my levels and all and I am perfectly good to have a baby. Harry got his baby batter checked and they will call us when the results are ready.

2 days later

Harry's P.O.V.

Cheyenne's phone started to ring and she lipped 'hospital'.

She was talking and I saw her eyes start to water. When she got off the phone she told me the doctor said I have been shooting blanks. Which means there is a very very low possibility that I can have kids. That they also said they are surprised she got pregnant the 1st time.

I calmed her down and we had to break it to the boys and Tracey is still going out with Niall, so her to.

All the boys are here... and Tracey, Mikaela, and Eleanor.

Eleanor is Louis' new girl friend. Zayn is engaged to Mikaela. Liam on the other hand is married to Dylan, she is one of the #1 models. Lilan forever, any way she is in America for a photo shoot.

We told the boys and girls and Cheyenne started to tear up again. The girls took her for a spa day and I had a guy day. My mom was watching the twins.

When Cheyenne got back we had sex.

1year later

Cheyenne's P.O.V.

I have been throwing up for the last few days and Tracey keeps telling me to take a test. It's not like I can have a kid anymore so I told her no. Oh, and Zayn is married to Mikaela, while Louis proposed to Eleanor. (A/N I am 100% with Perrie and Zayn's relationship.)

Eleanor and Tracey have finally convinced me to take a test and I am waiting the 5 minutes like the box said.

5 minutes later

The 5 minutes are up and I looked at the pregnancy test. Guess what. I'm pregnant!

I am about to tell Harry the good news. The way I am doing it is awesome. Harry is turning 26 today, so I am gonna make it like a gift.

Telling Harry

C- Harry, are you ready for your gift?

H- Sure thing love.

C- Here. passes him a box.

H- Thank you and why do you look like a five year old on Christmas? 

C- No questions, open it!

H- Okay, okay.

opens box

C- Surprise!

H- babe is this real?

C- mhm. Are you happy with it?

H- Yeah I can't wait till you have our baby.

C- Well we have to go to the doctor to make sure.

H- Are you crying?

C- Yeah I'm pregnant. You weren't supposed to be able to have kids.

H- Well we managed. I love you.

C- I love you to.

End of conversation

9 months later

So I was indeed pregnant and I just had the baby... I'm lying

I had twins again! And this time 2 girls!

Harry nearly passed out when he found out it was twins again.

Trust me... So did I.

Today, on August 23, 2019 I gave birth to twin girls.

Alia Anne Styles and Mia Lynn Styles.

2 years later

Cheyenne's P.O.V.

Niall said he wants to propose to Tracey the same way he asked her to be his girlfriend just with a ring.

we are all sitting around eating breakfast and when Niall was almost done he got down on one knee and said "Tracey, we have been dating for about 7 years and I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Tracey Armstrong will you do me the honor of being my wife.

She expected.

1 year later

Niall and Tracey are married. And Tracey is pregnant.

Can't wait till she goes through the pain I did.

sorry Tracey


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