Chapter 16- Second thoughts AND a...?

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After the honeymoon

Niall's P.O.V.

I've been having second thoughts about the whole dating thing. I mean my last girlfriend held a gun to my head. Only reason why I'm still with Tracey is because I really like her, and Cheyenne trusts her.

Tracey's P.O.V.

Chy and Harry come home today. Now I will not be all alone with all these boys. Including Niall, I need a girl with me. (A/N I am currently multitasking, I'm watching vampire sucks and writing. I'm at the part where Becka farted in his face and he fell out the window. hehe, sorry.)

2 hours later

Cheyenne's home. I am currently running to the door. When I get to the door I literally jump on her. She ended up falling back only to have Harry catch us both. Any way Chy looked real pail when she got up and ran to the bathroom.

"She has been doing this since the first week of the Honeymoon." Harry told me

I know what might be going on.

Cheyenne's P.O.V.

Tracey came in the bathroom with a huge smile on her face.

"No." I said

"I didn't say anything yet."

"Yeah but I know what your gonna say."

"Oh really?"

"Yes, you think I'm pregnant."

"Yup at least take the test."

"I don't have a test with me, I don't want Harry to know anything till I know for sure." (A/N How did becka's dad's mustache grow back so fast. Anyhoo)

"I have one." Tracey said passing me a pregnancy test

"When and why did you buy this."

"I bought it yesterday because you were coming home from you HONEYMOON."

"Wow, okay."

Harry's P.O.V.

Zayn's girlfriend was here and she walked up to me.

"Hey Harry. What will you do if she is pregnant?"

"Then I will take her on tour with me. And when the pregnancy is over I will be a father and raise a child."

And with that she walked away. By the way we go on tour in 1 week. Tracey came out of the bathroom with a huge grin on her face. "Cheyenne will be out in 5 minutes." She said

I am truly lost.

5 minutes later

Chy came out of the bathroom with a small smile on her face.

"Harry can we talk"

"Yeah let's go to our room."

We walked to the room and she got all jumpy. "Babe why are you so excited?"

"Harry, I'm pregnant."

I'm gonna be a daddy. I'm gonna be a daddy.

"Really? That's awesome. Let's go tell everyone."

in the family room

"Guys we have something to tell you."

"Go on." That was Louis

"Cheyenne is coming on tour with us."

"Why such a sudden change in mind?"

Now it's Cheyenne's turn "Eek I'm pregnant."

She looked up at me and gave me a kiss.



'Yay uncle Lou'

'Uncle Nialler."

"Aunt Tracey"

'Congratulations on being prego."


SO B___O_   T___    ___Y was


              -Layla xx

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