Chapter 9.

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Javon POV

I wasn't born into wealth but you would think that I was. I'm Javon Damien Taylor. I'm 19 years old and I'm black, and ¾ German. I'm just a laid back dude. I was raised in the hood of Los Angeles. When I started trapping my mom didn't let me stay in her house so I moved out. The only problem was tha I really didn't want to leave my little sister Jasmine by herself.

So I got my own place shortly after I turned 18. Raji told us about his sister coming down here. I had a girl, but she dogged me out. Only used me for my money and left when she got pregnant by my homeboy Quell.


I walked in Kroger and went straight to the pasta aisle. I picked up everything I needed and headed to the popcorn aisle. I grabbed some off the shelf and turned around too fast knocking a girl off her feet.

"I'm so sorry." I apologized helping her up.

"It's okay I'm fine." She said dusting herself off looking up at me. She was just as bad as she wanted to be and I couldn't deny it. From her pretty brown eyes to her jet black hair that sat nicely on her shoulders. She was in shape and her honey brown skin was flawless.

"I'm Javon." I said and she nodded.

"Keara." She smiled.

"You're really beautiful." I told her and she smiled.

"Thanks but I have to get going." She said looking at her watch.

"Can I get your number?" I asked and she reached in her wallet pulling out a sharpie mini. She wrote her number on my hand and a smiley face next to it.

"Nice meeting you Keara." I said.

"Likewise." She smiled before leaving the aisle.


As I put all of my groceries up I looked at my hands and smirked. I hurriedly finished putting things away and got in the shower. When I got out of my shower I put on some shorts and sat down on my bed grabbing my phone. I looked down at my hand and looked at the semi smudged numbers. I looked closely and typed what I saw saving her number


To Keara: Hey, it's Javon :) 8:43 pm.


I waited a while before I felt my phone vibrate. I looked down and waited a minute to answer the text message, not wanting to seem thirsty.


From Keara: Oh hey! 8:46 pm.

To Keara: How are you? 8:48 pm.


I was just asking whatever came to.mind at the moment. She seemed like a cool person, one that I'd want to get to know.


From Keara: I'm doing fine, and you? 8:49 pm.

To Keara: I'm cool, but would you like to go out for lunch sometime next week? 8:53 pm.


I sat my phone down and walked into the kitchen to get something to drink. I walked back in my room and heard my phone buzz and I picked it up, unlocking my screen.


From Keara: Sure, just name the time and place :) 8:56 pm.

To Keara: How about Chipotle around 5? 8:58 pm.

From Keara: Sounds good to me! 9:00 pm.

To Keara: Great, well goodnight beautiful ;) 9:02 pm.

From Keara: Lol goodnight handsome :) 9:03 pm.


I just pulled up to Chipotle and walked in taking a seat at a booth near the window. I felt a tap on my shoulder and looked up seeing Keara. I smiled standing up giving her a hug. She laughed sitting down. We ate, made conversation, and had a few laughs. She was just as cool as I expected, if not cooler.

"Thanks for bringing me out it was nice." She said and I shook my head.

"It was no problem at all." I said and she nodded giving me a hug.

"We should do this again." She suggested and I nodded.

"Definitely." I said and she smiled.


<> Pharaoh.

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