Chapter 11.

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Ariana POV

I smiled walking up to him. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my lips gently. I pulled away and placed my hands on his chest. He smiled playfully.

"You look beautiful." He said.

"Thank you, and you don't look bad yourself." I said abd he popped his imaginary collar.

"I do try." He said smiling and I pushed his shoulder. He opened the door and I got in after him. He got in and we started driving.


Long story short, we had a great time. He took me out to eat at a classical Italian place he knew of and we hung out at his place before he took me home. It was a date that I could often get use to. I walked in the house and heard my mother moaning, and turned right back around. I was going over my brothers for the night.

Raji POV

I woke up and wondered how Ariana's date went. I forgot to ask last night, but I would wait until she got up to ask. I chuckled thinking about how whipped Ariana has Andre and it's only been a week or two. I heard my phone ring and looked down thinking it was Kori but it was Andre.

"How was the date?" I asked and he chuckled.

"Hi, my day was fine, thanks." He laughed.

"Good for you, now how was the date?" I asked again.

"It was perfect." He said and I nodded.

"Good." I replied smiling.

"What you up to?" He asked.

"Nothing really about to roll up." I said holding the swishers in one hand.

"I'm on my way." He said.

"Alright." I said chuckling, then hung up.

Ariana POV

I woke up today with Andre heavy on my mind. His gorgeous smile and perfectly placed dimples. It was something about him that attracted me to him. For some reason I just couldn't get him out of my mind. I shook it off and went to take a shower.


I walked downstairs and sat on the couch to see my brother rolling up. When he was finished he inhaled and passed it to me. I took a hit and passed it back. We had the perfect rotation going.

"You got him whipped already!" He exclaimed as I exhaled. I chuckled while smirking.

"Yeah. It's just something about him." I replied smiling. I inhaled deeply and exhaled slowly. I heard a knock on the door.

"Do anybody ring door bells anymore? That's what they're made for." I mumbled quietly.

Andre POV

When the door opened I saw Ariana wearing some spandex shorts, and a wife beater with fuzzy socks. I scooped her up in my arms and she laughed as I kissed her grape swisher flavored lips. Her took invaded my mouth and I automatically felt like I was getting high.

I closed the front door and walked into the living room seeing Ariana and Raji going in on a nicely rolled swisher. I closed the door and went in. When I sat down on the couch I looked into Ariana's dilated eyes. She was definitely feeling the high. I took a pull and slouched in my seat as Ariana layed her head on my shoulder.

"Come upstairs with me." I said taking Ariana's hand in mine and she nodded getting up. Raji looked at me and shook his head.

"Whipped." He whispered chuckling and I mugged him before Ariana pulled me upstairs. She pulled me up into a room with her. She kissed me and jumped in the bed laughing. The high took full effect on her. I laughed and sat next to her.

I heard my phone ring and I looked sown seeing Quaja's name pop up on the screen. I ignored it and leaned back against the pillow. I felt Ariana's head on my chest and I dozed off.


Waking up, I looked around the empty room. The spot next to me was somewhat warm. I then heard the shower running and rubbed my face. Ariana soon came out the bathroom wearing cuffed jeans, a white tee, and silver sandals. Her hair was curled and she had on gloss.

"Where you going?" I asked and she shrugged.

"Home." She said. I checked the time and it was only 2 in the afternoon. I shook my head.

"Come to lunch with me." I said.

"Okay, I should change first." She replied and I stood up grabbing her arm. She looked back and I kissed her lips.

"You look perfect." I said and she nodded smiling. I took her downstairs and noticed that Raji was gone. I walked out to my car with Ariana behind me and I opened the door for her.


We were sitting down in Pizzeria Mozza and I just took a second to look at her. She was eating the pepperoni and olive covered pizza silently and when she looked up at me I spotted pizza sauce beneath her bottom lip. I leaned over and gave her a kiss.

"Why'd you do that?" She asked smiling.

"You had sauce on your face." I said and she immediately hid her face. I picked her head up smiled.

"You're beautiful, so don't hide yourself from me." I said and she smiled.


After multiple dates and kisses I felt like it was time for us to take it to the next level. I called her and she picked up after two rings.

"Hello." She said joyfully.

"You busy?" I asked.

"No." She replied and I nodded.

"Alright. I'm on way." I said and she hung up the phone.


We layed on a blanket as we watched the waves crash against the sand. Ariana layed her head in my chest and I knew she could heart my heart beat because her head was laying directly on it.

"Ariana." I said and her ears perked up as she turned to look at me.

"Yeah?" She questioned and I leaned down.

"Be my girl." I said against her lips and she nodded her head. Just as things were about to heat up we saw lights.

"This is private property, you can't be out here." We heard and we got up and did what we had to do, we ran.


<> Pharaoh.

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