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Disclaimer (this is going to be the only one for the entire story)
As much as I wish otherwise, I do not own either Percy Jackson, or the Avengers. All rights go to Rick Riordan and Marvel. If I somehow gain rights to any of these, you will be the first one to be informed.

'You're late. Where have you been?' Gabe grunted.

'I had after school detention' I lied.

He took a step forward, and I instinctively backed away.

'How dare you steal my money! What did you do with it?' I took another step back. I had taken some money out today to buy flowers for my mother's grave. And why should I not? Its my mom's money.

'What did you do with it?' Gabe shouted. Anger boiled up inside me.

'Yes, I took the money. And what I did with it is none of your business. It is my mom's money, not yours, so I'll take it whenever I want!' I shouted back.

I realised my mistake too late. Gabe smacked me hard across the face. 'You theiving little................' He raised his hand ti hit me again, but I dodged it.

I dashed out of the open door. 'Come back here, you.................'

I ran across the street, as fast as my 8 year old legs would carry me, and didn't see where I was going, until I felt sure that Gabe wasn't following me. The keft side of my face was still stinging from his slap.

I was thinking about my mom, her eyes, how she would tell me everything was going to be all right one day, when I bumped into someone.

'You ok kiddo?' he asked.

Without looking up, I silently nodded, then said 'I'm sorry'

'It's ok.'

He then seemed to notice the newly formed bruise on my face. He knelt down and said,' You seem to be hurt. Is everything all right?'

When I nodded my head again, he carefully lifted my face up and bent down to my level.

I gasped after seeing the face infront of me. I did not expect this.

The face belonged to the Ironman! It belonged to the TONY STARK himself!


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