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It was a really depressing day. A really close friend of mine died a week ago, and I got the news today (you didn't see that coming?) Sally was the sweetest person I had ever met. And her son Percy is just the most adorable kid ever. Well, maybe except Tony, because he still is a kid who..........

I was interrupted from my thoughts by the very person I was thinking about.

I picked up the phone and Tony asked from the other side,

"Hey, Pepper, are you free tomorrow?"

"I'm sorry, Tony, I am having a meeting tomorrow."

"It's OK then." Tony sounded a little disappointed.

"Is everything all right Tony?" I asked, a little worried.

"Yes, everything's OK. It's just............."

"It's just?" I prompted.

"You promis not to tell anyone about it?"

"OK, I promise." Tony really is a little kid!

"Um,...... I met.........this kid today.........."

He described his meeting with the kid. Once he finished, I asked, "So, I should not tell anyone about this because ................?" A little amusement creeping in my voice.

"Pepper! What will anyone think when they hear about this? When they hear that Tony Freakin' Stark is becoming softhearted! He is being compassionate, and taking kids out for icecream and candies?"

"I think you are finally changing." I said, with mock seriousness. It feels so good to mess with Tony! "What do you think"

"I think I'm going crazy!"

"Well, that's a more reasonable explanation."

"Hey!" Like I said, a little kid.

"So, you wanted me to come with you to meet the kid? Oh! I'm tired of calling him 'the kid'. What's his name anyways?"

"Percy" came the answer from the other end.

Percy, nice name. Wait, mom died recently, dad's missing, lives with stepfather, "Percy? Percy Jackson?" I asked.

"Yeah, how'd you know? Do you know him?" Tony asked, sounding curious.

"Yes, he's my friend's son. Wait, you said he was........... not being treated well?" I asked the last part, sounding worried.

"Yeah, I think so." Tony replied.

"Tony, I'm coming back as soon as I can. I'm coming with you to visit Percy"


Hey guyz,

I'm back, I guess.

I'm really very very sorry for not updating in, like, forever. I was really buisy in school and other things. My mid-term exams ended TODAY! Finally, I'm free! For now anyways.

Also, sorry for the crappy chapter. I'm working on the next one.

And no. I haven't forgotten about Percy. His 'fate' will be revealed in the next chapter.

Well, if you have read till here, why don't you go and comment about the story? If you have been reading my Author's notes(which, I know, are too long), you must know by now, that your feedback is really very very very very important to me. If you haven't been reading them, I don't blame you. I also skip them (mostly).

So, I guess here's where I take my leave. See ya next time.

Luv ya all,


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