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I was standing in an alleyway. It was dark, quiet and damp. I didn't remember how I got there, but it seemed to be eerily familiar. I was sure I had seen this place somewhere before. But then again, all alleys look similar.

As I stood there, trying to remember when had I seen the place before, I heard something behind me. It sounded as if someone was hitting an animal's hoof and a metal rod alternatively (Percy's inner ADHD - Wow! Such a long word! Percy - shut up ADHD!) against the ground.Or, to be exact, someone with a metal leg and an animal's hoof was walking. The sound made my blood freeze. It was the same sound the donkey lady made. I dove behind a dustbin to my right, just before she entered the alley, a man following her. I was right. It was the donkey lady.

The next thing she did made my frozen blood melt, then freeze again. In one swift move, she grabbed the man's neck, and snapped it. She then sank her teeth into his neck and began to suck his blood. (Percy's inner ADHD - So the Donkey lady is a Vampire? Or is she a Vampire-Donkey hybride? Whatever she is, I just hope she doesn't sparkle. Sparkling Vampires are the worst! Percy - I agree.). After some time, when it looked like she had drained all the blood from him, she dropped him, and the pale body fell down in a heap of limbs. I clamped a hand over my mouth to stop myself from screaming.

"Just a little more time, until my master's plan is successful." She said, wipinng the blood off her mouth. (Percy's inner ADHD - Eew! Disgusting! Percy - For the last time, shut up ADHD!) "And then we shall have the blood of those demigods. But I could spare you, little half-blood." to my horror, she seemed to address the last part to me. I did not dare to move. "Oh, I knew all along you were there" she turned my way and said. "I could sense you. As I was saying, we could save you from certain destruction. I have heared that you have a great role to play in the upcoming war. You are the one who will cause the destruction of my master. But you can also be the one who can help him win the war. All you have to do is join us, little half-blood."

Master.....War.....destruction....I couldn't understand what she was talking about. And why did she keep calling me half-blood? She said that she could save me from destruction, that she wouldn't drink my blood if I joined her. But she was the one who killed my mom. And there's no way I'm gonna join someone who killed my mother. "Never!" I answered. "I'll never join someone like you!". Her expression darkened. "Then I'll just have to eliminate the threat to my master's plans." And with that, she lunged at me. As she was about to hit me...........................

I woke up.

I was sitting on my bed, sweating like crazy. I felt strong arms wrapped around me, blue light lighting the dark room. "It was just a dream. Just a dream." Tony was whispering in my ear. I snuggled up close to him, and he held me tighter. "It's okay, it was just a dream." He said, rubbing circles on my back.

"How did you know I was having a nightmare?"I asked, after a while. "I was sitting in my room, when I heared you scream. So I came to check what it was, and saw you thrashing on your bed." Tony said as he continued to hold me tightly. I stared at the dim blue light coming out of his T-shirt. I figured it was from the arc reactor, the electromagnet keeping him alive. Soon, I began thinking about my dream. It didn't feel like a usual one. I never had a dream with such vividity before. (Percy's inner ADHD - What's with all the big words tonight? Percy - I hate you ADHD. Just shut up!) It was too clear to not be true. I just needed to understand what it meant. I had to find out.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Tony asked after a long silence. "Talk about what?" I asked, faking a tone of confusion, while I knew very well what he was talking about. "You were thinking about your dream, weren't you?" He questioned in reply. "How did you know?" I asked, really surprised. "Well," his voice grew quiter "let's just say I have nightmares too." "Was that why you were awake?" I asked. "Actually, I was awake because I had some work to do. Anyways, someone told me it really helps if you talk about your bad dreams. It helps clear your mind, so that they don't come back again." He said again.

"I saw the woman who killed my mom. She was trying to attack me. But before she could do anything, I woke up." I said after sometime. It was not a lie, just not the complete truth. "It's all right, no one's gonna harm you." Tony said in a comforting tone. "The cops are gonna find her and put her in jail. She will never be able to harm you." There was something strangely comforting in the way he said that. I felt like I was really safe here.

"Thank you Tony." I said. I saw one of the rare genuine smiles on his face as he said, "No problem kiddo. I've promised to not let anything hurt you, and I'm not gonna let a nightmare break my promise." He got up to leave, but I suddenly grabbed his hand. "Could you........ could you stay here........a little longer? ......Till I....... until I fall asleep?" I asked a bit shyly. "Sure thing, kiddo." He said, as he climbed back, and held me tight. I snuggled up to him, and fell in a peaceful, dreamless sleep in the dim blue glow of the arc reactor.


1016 words! That's the longest one yet. So, did you guys like it?

I'm sorry Twihards, but I just had to put that little reference there.

Please comment and tell me how it was. As you all must know by now, your feedback is really very valuable to me. Also, tell me if you liked those little peeks  inside the ADHD part of Percy's brain, and if I should continue that.

And the Young Justice fans out there, I've written another YJ oneshot called 'There For You'. It would mean a lot to me if you would check it out.

About Natasha's relationship, after a lot of thinking, I've decided that........ I don't know what I'll do. So, you guys have a little more time to vote on that.

So, that's all for today. See you later.

Luv ya all,

Vaishnavi out.

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