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"And that's how the arc reactor works." I finished explaining. Percy nodded, trying to understand the mechanism of the electromagnet. For an eight year old, he was really good at science.

"So, what happens if I attatch your repulsor rays to my skateboard?" Aaaand we were back on square one! This had all started with the same question, which somehow led to me explaining how my entire suit works and why was it a bad idea to do what he was planning. "Look kid, I already told you, the.." "That's enough for today! Its way past your bedtime Percy!" Pepper cut him off.

"But I'm not sleepy!" Percy whined.

"Come on Perce, you have school tomorrow. Off to bed, or you'll get no blue cookies!" Pepper threatened. Without a word, the kid got down the table he was perched on, and with a quick "Good night!", dashed off to his room

"So, blackmailing kids, are we? What are you, some sort of grinch, who wants to steal away all the fun from life?" I asked playfully.

"He's a kid who needs sleep, unlike you." Pepper replied. "Anyway, what was all that talk about skateboards and repulsor rays?"

"Percy wants to attatch those to his skateboard. He thinks it'll be really cool." I replied. "And that somehow led to me explaining how my suit works. That kid really gives me a heada - what are you smiling at?"

"Nothing." she said with another smile. "But it'd be better if you actually had some rest for a change." "Quoting Percy, 'I'm not sleepy!'" I said with my best impression of Percy, which was really bad. But on the positive side, it made Pepper burst out laughing. It sounded like tinkling bells and my heart did a backflip in his chest. Wow! I really loved that sound.

"That was terrible!" she exclaimed after she had finally calmed down enough to speak "Anyways, if you're not sleepy, how about, we watch some movies instead? Your pick."

"Sure." I replied. "Should I consider it a date?" Pepper smiled again.

"If you want our date to be in your living room, sure."

"Hey! My living room is no less than a fancy restraunt!"

"Sure, sure."

********** HELLO! I AM A TEENY TINY TIME SKIP! **********

A few childish arguements about my state of the art living room later, Pepper and I sat comfortably on a couch, cocooned in blankets in the said room, watching Hunger Games. A bowl of popcorn sat between us. It had been a long time since we did something like this. Sitting here, with Pepper in my arms felt just right. A teeny tiny part of my mind said someyhing was missing, but I ignored it. This was just perfect. I didn't need anything else, right? I-

"Can I ask you something?" Pepper asked, drawing me out of my thoughts.

"Yes" I said.

"Today, when you were with Percy, you.... you were........ different. I mean, you were smiling. Like, actually smiling. Not those fake smiles or or one of your annoying smirks. You also took time to answer his questions. Usually you scare the 'annoying kids' away, or just plain ignore them. But you took time to actually explain the details of the repulsor ray, and the working of your suit to Percy. Y-"

"He's a really curious kid." I cut her off. "And the only kid who understood at least some things I said. Aaaaand did I mention he wanted - still wants - to attatch the repulsor ray to his skateboard, which is really dangerous, and if I hadn't - "

"Will you let me finish?" Pepper cut off my ramblings. "That's not my question. You.... you don't usually open up to anyone so soon. Usually you study them for weeks, months, sometimes even years, before you can even start being yourself with them. That is, if you find them worthy of your trust. But it took Percy what? Two months? Or even less, to warm up to you. I just....... just wanted to know, why?"

That question got me thinking."Well, you see Pepper," I began, " when I see the kid, Percy, I....I kinda see myself in him. After I talked to Percy for the first time, I felt a strange connection to him. I felt drawn to him. Now I know why. He doesn't have any father figure in his life. And he has just lost his mother, his only family. I know he's just pretending to be happy on the outside, but is actually hurting on the inside. I know where that leads to. I've gone through the same thing. I know this might sound like something right out of a comic book or a movie, but I...I don't want him to turn out like me. I want him to be better. (A/N: DID YOU GET THAT REFERENCE?)

And there was the wierd and awkward silence, which always follows such speeches. Especially such speeches made by me. So naturally, I did what I always do. Ruin the moment! "Now that I think of it, there's a lot in common between batman and me. Orphaned billionaire turned superhero with a truckload of cool gadgets. Maybe, if I convince Percy to join me, we could be the real life dynamic duo. Iron man and...... and Steel Boy! Yeah, Steel boy! Or Steel lad? Which one's better? What do you think, Pepper?"

"Anthony Edward Stark! If you so much as dream of turning my best friend's son into a crime fighting superhero, especially one named Steel Boy or Steel lad, you'll be spending the rest of the nights of your life on a couch"

And just like that, all the awkwardness and wierdness dissolved away.


Hey guys,

Guess who's back with a 952 word chapter! It's me! Your not-so-favourite author.

Now, before you come at me with your pitchforks and torches, I'm really sorry for not updating in 8 months. But I have a perfectly good reason for doing so. Writer's Block! A horrible horrible writer's block. That coupled with a huge pile of schoolwork was enough to keep me from writing. I have all the other chapters planned out, but this was the one giving me all the trouble.

This chapter may seem a little forced, but this was really important for the plot. Also, the plot will pick up pace in the next chapters.

Aaand guess what! It's my birthday today! So don't forget to comment and tell me if you liked this or not. Your comments are the best gifts I could get.

So, see you after another eight months.............

Just kidding! ;p

I'll try to update as soon as I can.

So, for now,

Luv ya all,

Vaishnavi out.

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