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"And this is your room." With that, the tour of the tower ended. Next to me, Percy stood awestruck."Wow! Its so........big!"

"So, you like it?" I asked, amused. "Like it? I love it! Thank you soooooo much Tony!" He hugged my legs tightly, and ran off to check out each and every thing in his room.

It had been two days since the.....incident, and I am proud to say that Gabe Ugliano (or Smelly Gabe, as Percy likes to call him) would not be hurting anyone for a long time. Just thinking about that man made me want to hit something hard. I looked at Percy, who was bouncing up and down on his bed. He was so small, so innocent. How could anyone even think about hurting him? How could anyone think bout hurting any child?

I was drawn out of my thoughts by Percy, who was asking excitedly, "When are the rest of the Avengers coming back? I want to meet them all." He was jumping up and down (again). "Have some patience, kiddo. They will be back soon." I replied.

After dealing with all the legal issues, we could finally bring Percy home with us. But Pepper had been called for an important meeting. When we arrived at the Avengers tower, I found out that the rest of my teammates had to go on a mission while i was.............unavailable. So, it was just me and Percy at the tower.

"So, Percy, tell me something about yourself. Something you haven't already told me." I made an attempt at starting up a conversation. Percy looked up from the video game he was examining and said, "Like what?"

"You can tell me..............what kind of things do you like?" "I like", he thought for a moment, and continued,"I like water and Nemo and all other fishes and...........and blue cookies and blue pancakes and blue waffles and blue candies-"

"Woah, what's up with all the blue food?" I asked, interrupting Percy, curiosity getting the better of me. Suddenly, the smile dropped off his face. "My mom used to make blue food for me." He replied in a small voice. He set the game down, and sat quietly at the corner of his bed, staring at his shoes.

"Hey kiddo, I'm sorry." I said, kneeling down in front of him. "Its ok." He said in a quiet voice. "Are you all right?" I asked, concerned. "I....I miss her." Percy said in a broken voice. "I miss her Tony. Why did she have to go? Its not....not fair."

Great! I thought. Now you reminded him of his mom, when he was perfectly happy playing with that game. Pepper's right. You're a complete idiot! I felt horribly guilty, but didn't know how to comfort Percy. So, I just sat there in an awkward scilence.

Suddenly, JARVIS' voice rang out,"Sir, I believe neither you, nor little Percy have had your lunch." Percy was startled for a moment (he had jumped a foot in the air with a shrill shriek when he had first heared JARVIS), but soon recovered and shot back a "I'm not little!", looking up at the ceiling. "Yes, of course you're not." JARVIS replied, sarcastically.

"Are you hungry, Percy?" I asked him. He nodded in reply.

"What would you like to eat?"


"Cheeseburger it is, then."

And, just like that, he forgot about his mood a few moments ago and a bright smile graced his face. It was the first time that I was thankful for his ADHD.


After having our lunch, Percy dashed off to his room to play with his new video games. I was about to head down to my lab, when JARVIS spoke,"Sir, the Avengers have returned from their mission. They are on their way to the living room."


Hey guys,

Sorry for the long wait. I have a long list of lame excuses, which include school (read tartarus), life, homework, test- you get it.

But I'm back! And guess what? ITS MY BIRTHDAY! YAY! THE BEST DAY IN THE WHOLE YEAR! So I decided, since I'm so happy today, I'll make you guys happy too.

Sooooooo, I hope you like the chapter. I'm working on the next one, and I swear it will not take so long to come out.

Ok, so don't forget to comment and tell me about the story. As you know, your opinion matters a lot to me and the feedback is always welcom. English is not my first language, and I'm trying my best, so forgive me for the mistakes.

Ok, enough of my rants.

Luv ya all,

Vaishnavi out.

The Son of Tony StarkWhere stories live. Discover now