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It wasn't like anything I have ever seen in movies, it more was organized, and tamed. The large house was decorated with old Christmas lights that hung from the roof, the two large windows displayed the drunken souls playing beer pong inside. Flowerpots were replaced with couples planted on the front lawn steps. The music wasn't too loud, but loud enough for the floor to vibrate. My hand was being pulled as Daisy dragged me to the front door walking past the smooching couples.

I observe everyone, feeling really self conscious, "Daisy, they will notice that we don't exactly fit in."

Daisy lets go of my hand, her blue eyes plunged into mine quickly, "Lexi, the only way they'll notice that we don't fit in, is if you keep blabbering." It was noticeable that Daisy was annoyed with me. She always told me I was too paranoid to have fun.

"This isn't right Daisy." I mumble under my breath as Daisy knocked on the door.

Shortly later, the door was opened. We were greeted to a larger guy wearing a grey shirt snugged to his body. His stomach was large like the cup he was holding filled with beer, "Hello ladies, I didn't know Tucker invited freshman meat." He slurred eyeing Daisy from head to toe. His eyes were glued to her as she chuckled.

Who was Tucker, I thought. Why did Joseph find these parties so amusing?

"Move to the side." Daisy said playfully hitting his shoulder. She walks in leaving me behind.

I take a step forward but a tall figure blocks the way, "Does your brother know you are here?" I look at the feet, their shoes are clearly new. I lift my head to match the face, his light green eyes beam down at me.

I shake my head slowly, "No." I feel my cheeks burn from hulimination, I think he notices.

Matthew smiles, "So what are you doing here?" He leans down, his sandy beachy brown hair falls in his face. I inhale his scent, he smells like sweat and beer. I gag mentally

I am shoved into Matthew. His hands are placed on my hips, as one of his hands holds a red cup, the cold beer spills on the back of my shirt, "Crap," I pull away, "This isn't rocket science, Daisy is here because Joseph is here."

The DJ stops the music making a short announcement, "How many times does everyone have to tell you that she is a bad example of a friend?" He says drinking from his cup.

"Speak for yourself." I eye him, remembering how many times, he had gotten Joseph into trouble. My favorite moment was when Matthew and Joseph got caught stealing condoms from the pharmacy, they were about thirteen and my mother was furious when she found out that Joseph was sexually active.

Matthew raises his cup pointing his finger at me, "Always breaking my heart Lexi. So where is the famous Daisy?" He asks looking around, swaying his cup back and forth.

I turn around, "I don't know. I don't understand why she does this to me." I admit. At this point, I really didn't know why I let Daisy convince me to come.

Matthew snorts tossing his empty cup behind a couch that a couple is sitting on with their tongues tied, "Because you let her, do you want a ride home?"

I watch as the girls grind on the guys, I feel sick to my stomach, "Like I would accept a ride home from you? You're drunk, haven't you learned your lesson?" I look back at him, he is lazily grinning at me, "What?" I ask.

He shakes his head, "Nothing, just that you still talk to me after everything," He takes a deep breath closing his eyes shrugging his shoulders, "I feel blessed." His eyes open again, sparkling.

"Blessed?" I scoff, "I believe the word is cursed. You nearly killed my brother and I."

It was a car accident. It happened over the summer, Joseph and Matthew had been drinking. They picked me up from Eric's pool party. Matthew was driving recklessly, dashing through red lights, when a taxicab stumbled across us. Matthew and Joseph suffered minor injuries, whereas I was stuck in the hospital for two months. Joseph had gotten bruised ribs, and some stitches on his chin. The taxi cab collided with the backseat mainly, leaving my patellar broken. The firefighters had to remove the taxicab first before they got to me, it was the longest three hours of my life. Should I hate Matthew? Yes! But do I? No? The healing process took longer than the doctor had thought. It was a stable fracture meaning only three months to recover, but since I was immediately back on feet, it caused a relapsed in my recovery.

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