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I sat in the corner of the gym doing my math homework minding my own business, as I waited for Maggie to finish hanging posters for the girls' basketball game. It was hard to concentrate when the girls were practicing and Maggie was giving orders to the rest of the student body committee.

"Higher please." I heard her say.

I looked up, there were two boys on ladders with a large gap between them. Their hands extended up. "My hands are tired." The blonde shaggy-haired one said followed by the other boy with short brown hair agreeing.

"Come down, we'll take a break." She announced putting her hair up. The shoes squeaking on the floor echoed the room along with the coach giving instructions. Maggie walked towards me with a happy smile. "Sorry, I thought that we'd be done by now." She apologized sitting next to me.

I closed my book. "It's not a problem. I had nothing to do."

She grabbed her water bottle taking a huge gulp. "It's warm in here. I wish they turned the ac on. Aren't you warm?" She asked looking at me.

I uncrossed my legs, extending them. "Yes, but it's freezing cold outside."

Maggie's arms fell by her side as she sat exhausted. "Distract me please." She whined closing her eyes.

I slouched down to her level leaning my shoulder against the wall facing her. "I had dinner with Daniel last night." I knew this would distract her.

She sat up looking at me in disbelief. "You're lying." Her brown eyes peered into mine demanding to know more.

"With Lucy and Samuel," I added fixing my beanie.

"Maggie, practice will be over shortly, and we need the signs up." The coach said towering us. She held her clipboard in her hand.

Maggie looked back at me, her eyes rolling in exhaustion. "Come help?" She asked with a smile standing up.

"Of course." I removed my book from my lap, packing my notebook up in my bag.

I walked to Maggie as she told a couple of others to start to clean. "Where do you want me?" I asked wiping my hands on my jeans.

"On that ladder." She pointed at the ladder closest to the door.

I nod making my way up the ladder as a young girl handed me the poster from below. "Thanks." I told her. I gripped the ladder tightly with one hand.

"Do you need another person to help or do you think you got it?" Maggie asked.

I looked up at the wall in front of my face, I could feel my heart race. "I think I got it." I held the sign up steadying myself on the ladder. I was four steps high into the air. I hesitantly walked up the last step. I felt everyone watch me. Guys making degrading comments about my behind, the girls were done practicing. I took a breath then held the sign up. "There?" I asked, my voice shaky, my knees felt weak.

"Eh, I'll come up. It's a big poster." I heard her say.

I heard the ladder move closer to me, she popped up next to me and smiled. "Hi."

My lips tugged. "Hi."

She reached towards me, "Give me one side," she took the left side of the poster, handing me the role of tape. The role of taped slid on my wrist like a bracelet. "Take a step down," Maggie informed me.

My foot took a step down. I took a deep breath, Maggie took notice. "You okay?"

I glanced at her with a frightened smile. "Distract me."

Maggie's soft chuckled reassured me that I wasn't alone up there. "So," she placed the side of her poster against the wall. "They took Samuel?" Maggie snorted.

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