1: Don't Yell At The Mall!

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Friend 1: And so I was like, wait, what? What do you mean they were on sale?! Yesterday they weren't! And then, my boyfriend walks in and says : Are you sure? Maybe you weren't listening...

Friend 2: *gasps* That monster!

You: *notice alien babies on top of friends head* O.O Uh.. guys? There's something we need to talk about...

Friend 2 : Shhh! We're discussing whether she should get the red 6 inch heels or the glittery ones!

You: But...

Friend 1: The glittery ones are so cute! But the red ones match my prom dress...

*alien babies start eating friends hair*


*Paul Blart rounds the corner*

Paul: Seriously? I was watching American Pie!

*starts chasing you on scooter thing*

You: O.o *running*


You: *jumps out window into pool*

*Paul does his victory dance*

Paul: One more evil villian erased!

You: O.o *jumps off bridge*

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