So, So, Sooooo Sorry..

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Omg, I feel terrible right now. I literally CANNOT sleep. I snuck up to the computer upstairs when I'm supposed to be asleep, and god. I just had to update this or you all would hate me. Before you all kill me and throw me into the flames, I would like to say this: THINK ABOUT MY CHILDREN! WHO WILL PARENT THEM WHEN I AM DEAD? I WILL GIVE ALL MY MONEY, BUT I MUST LIIIIIVE!

Jk, Jk. I have no kids *grins*.

But seriously. Don't kill me.

Now, where was I. Oh, yes, of course. My nonexistent children.

Just forget that, will you?

Now, as I put on my profile, I had cracked my phone. Like, the whole screen. And because I am an idiot, I took the cracked phone when we went out to our mosque.

There, I left my phone in a room (INSIDE THE MOSQUE) and left it there, and went to pray. 5 minutes later, I went back in the room, to see my phone gone. I spent an hour looking for it. I even told the guy to announce a lost phone into the microphone, before my dad said we were leaving. As we went outside, I told him I couldn't find my phone. He gave me a short lecture about responsibility, and we went home.

The only good thing to come out of that was that my dad never realized the phone was cracked.


That is my reason for not updating for two weeks!

And yes, I MAY have have binge watched Supernatural instead of updating, but THAT WAS NOT MY FAULT! That show is reaaaaallly addictive.

Be sure to follow, vote, and comment! Oh, and don't forget about the whole not-killing-me scene

*grins and dashes off as you chase me with an axe*

The price is wrong, biatch,

<< Ghita>>

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