First Dodger Game (Joc)

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Today is the day you have been waiting for all summer, the day you and your friend go to a Dodger game. You've been wanting to go to one ever since you heard that Joc was in this year's starting lineup. You go about your day and your friend texted you to tell you that she was on her way, so you decide to get ready. 

You decide to shoot her a text back asking "Where will we be sitting?" and just then, you hear a knock on your door. 

"Hey girl! Guess where we're sitting?" your friend says excited. 

"Where?", you ask with a curious tone.

"Left field pavilion!!!" your friend says practically screaming. 

"OMG NO WAY!" you say excitingly. 

"YES! So I hope you're ready because the bus leaves soon." she says grabbing her bag. 

So you and your friend head over to the station to take a bus to Dodger Stadium. So the adventure begins. You guys get to the stadium hours before the game actually starts. You and your friend decide to buy some Dodger dogs and go to your seats to watch batting practice. You guys head down all the way to Row A so you can get a better view of their batting practice. As you're eating your hot dog you go on your phone to check your social media sites for a bit. Just then, your friend calls out your name and you look up, but it's too late, a ball hits you in the head and you slip out of your seat. 

"OMG, ARE YOU OKAY?" your friend asks you. 

"WTF THIS HURTS SO MUCH!" you yell at her. 

"OMG." your friend says backing up. 

"Are you not going to help me? Wtf!" you say back at her.

And then, a pair of hands help you to get up and someone places you on your seat.  

"Are you okay?" someone asks you. You look up and meet a pair of blue eyes, it's your favorite player, Joc Pederson. 

"Ohh yea, I'm fine." you say trying to play it off. He laughs, "Well, just now you were yelling at who I assume is your friend, saying that it hurts." and he continues to laugh. "Ohh that," you laugh, "yea it hurts just a bit. But I'll be okay."

You both stare at each other and then he speaks up, "We can go down to the clubhouse to get you some ice if you'd like." You look at your friend and she gives you the go ahead look. 

So you guys walk down onto the field and the rest of the guys make comments at Joc helping you. He laughs at them and just continues to walk. You can't help but to blush a bit. He then guides you down the stairs into the dugout and then into the clubhouse. 

"We need some ice." he yells out to someone. 

"There's some in the freezer." Kiké yells back at Joc as a joke. 

"Haha very funny Kiké." Joc says back to him. 

"So who is your friend?" he asks. 

"Ohh this is—" he looks at you so you can say your name. 

"Ohh, my name is (y/n)." you say. 

"Nice to meet you. So Joc, why did you bring her down here?" he asks. 

"Well she got hit by a ball during BP." he says. "And we need some ice, so let's go (y/n). See you out there Kiké." he says taking you to another room. 

There's a freezer in there, he grabs a bag and fills it with ice, then hands it to you. "Thanks." you say shyly. 

"So tell me about yourself." he says trying to make conversation. 

"Don't you have BP to go to?" you say. "I come early, so I get my batting done before everyone else. So who is your favorite player?" he asks. 

"My favorite player is Mike Trout." you say with a smirk and let out a little laugh. 

"Is that so? Because if that's the case then I should ask you to leave right now." he says. 

"Nah, I'm just kidding." you say laughing. 

"So then who is your favorite player?" he asks again. 

"My favorite player is actually, you." you say looking at him. 

"Really?" you nod. "Well, you're my favorite person that has gotten hit in the head by a baseball." he says trying not to laugh. "You can laugh." you say laughing too. 

"Let me take you out some time." he says. 

"Are you serious?" you ask him a bit shocked. 

"I mean yeah, unless you have a boyfriend, then I'm sorry." he says. 

"Ohh no, don't worry no boyfriend." you say. 

"So is that a yes?" he asks. 

"I would love to go out with you Joc." you say with a smile. 

You pull out your phone and put his number in. "Okay, I should probably get back to BP, and you should probably leave soon, so all these reporters don't think something of it." he says. 

"Thank you." you say as you both walk out of the clubhouse.

As you get back to your seat, your friend begins to bomb you with a bunch of questions. "Let's just say, I'll be seeing him soon, but without the uniform." you say with a smirk. Luckily, there wasn't a lot of people at the stadium yet so you weren't questioned by them either. You pull out your phone and text Joc. "It's (y/n), I thought you'd like to have my number too. Good luck."

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