Joc, Love Doctor? [Kike]

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It's been three days since you last spoke to your boyfriend Kiké. Ever since you guys got in a fight, you just stopped talking. You walk around your apartment in your pj's eating ice cream and cookies. You just can't get over it, but you guys aren't really broken up. As you're sitting on your couch watching something on TV you hear a knock on your door. You put the show on pause and make your way to the door, your hair is a mess and you're wearing bunny slippers and pj's. 

"What do you want?" you say as you open your door. 

"Well hello to you too." Joc says. 

"Well?" you say to him. 

"Look, I want you to take a shower or something, wear something comfortable and come to my house for dinner." he says. 

"Can I wear sweats?" you ask. 

"Comfortable, so yea I guess whatever you want, but please wear clothes." he says.

"Okay." you say and close the door on his face. Wonder what's this all about? Dinner at his house? Maybe it's just a best friend invitig you over for dinner, don't overthink it. You take a shower, comb your hair, put on some mascara and lip color. You then proceed to your room where you pick out a cotton grey t-shirt with a pair of sweats, like you said and wear your bunny slippers. You grab a hoodie, and begin on your way to Joc's house. 

As you park in front of his house, you grab the hoodie and smell it, smells just like Kiké. You knock on the door and Joc opens it, "Well hi there (y/n)! I see you showered and wore sweats like you said." he says. 

You look at what he's wearing and he's wearing sweats too with a captain america shirt. "Come on in and feel free to take a seat at the dinner table." he says gesturing to the dining room. 

"Uhh Joc, why are there 3 place mats?" you ask him. 

"There's someone else coming for dinner." he says. 

"Okay." you shout back. 

"Feel free to eat some chips and salsa if you get hungry." he says. 

"Okay." you say. As you're munching on chips you hear the door open and close as Joc brings in the other guest. 

"Hey (y/n), you remember Kiké right?" Joc says. 

"Yeah totally, hi Kiké." you say in a low voice. 

Kiké makes his way to his seat and you decide to give Joc a death glare. 

"Okay since it is my house, I request the following, we eat and then we watch a movie!" Joc says.

 "Alright." you and Kiké say. Dinner goes by quickly in silence, the only noise that was made was the forks and spoons clicking against plates. 

"I'll take your plates." Joc says. 

"It's okay, I'll take my plate." you say to him. 

You get up and follow Joc into the kitchen and smack him behind his head. 

"Oww, what was that for?" he asks you rubbing the back of his head. 

"That's for not telling me you were going to invite him!" you say. 

"Well if I told you, would you have come?" he asks. 

"No!" you say. 

"Exactly my point! I'm just trying to get my two best friends to at least be friends." he says, "Now will you just try that for me?" 

"Ugh fine Joc, but we better be watching a good movie." you say to him and begin to walk out of the kitchen. 

"We are, and hey I thought you were going to do your dish." he says. 

"Nope, not under these circumstances." you say walking out.

 You make your way to the living room and find a nice spot on the couch. A few minutes later Kiké and Joc walk in too. 

"Okay let's start this movie!" Joc says as he puts in Finding Nemo. Kiké gets all excited because it's one of his favorite movies. 

You guys continue to watch and then the scene comes up when Nemo and Marlin argue about when Nemo can't touch the boat. 

"Aww there goes Nemo." Kiké says in a sad voice. 

"Well that's what he gets for not listening." you say in a snappy tone. 

Joc quickly puts the movie on pause as you and Kiké continue to argue. 

"Guys! Guys! Please stop!" Joc yells, "I just wanted to invite my best friends over for dinner and a movie so maybe the two of you can get along and stop fighting but I guess not." You look at Kiké and Kiké looks at you and you both already start to feel bad for arguing. 

"Hey Joc? Remember how in high school people used to call you the love doctor?" you ask him. 

"Yea, so?" he asks not getting your point. 

"So I'm wondering if you can be that doctor again and help a friend out." you say. He gets this bright look on his face and turns on the light immediately. 

"Yea sure, hold on." he says as he runs to another room. 

"(Y/n), I want you and Kiké to be sitting on the couch by the time I get back." he says. 

So you and Kiké take a seat next to each other and wait for Joc to walk in. He walks in with a note pad in one hand and a pen in the other and takes a seat across from you and Kiké. 

"Okay hello, welcome to couple's therapy. I'm Dr. Joc." he says, "So tell me about your problems." 

You and Kiké look at each other and begin to laugh at how ridiculous Joc is being right now. 

"Well okay, it started off when (y/n) told me not to do something but I did it either way." Kiké says.

"And what's your story (y/n)?" Joc asks. 

"Well pretty much that, but like he always does it and it's so annoying, one of these days he will get in trouble or hurt." you say. 

Joc scribbles down something on his notepad and then looks up. 

"Well it looks like your problems are stupid. I think you guys shouldn't even be fighting, I mean (y/n), Kiké is a grown man, he can do what he wants. And Kiké, would it kill you to listen to her once in a while?" Joc plainly states. 

"I guess you're right." Kiké says. 

"I'm sorry Kiké." you say to him. 

"I'm sorry too, (y/n)." he says and the two of you hug. 

"Aww looks like my job here is done." Joc says, "Wait let me take a pic of this and put it on my insta with the caption 'The love doctor still got it.'" he says pulling out his phone. 

"Ohh goodness, Kiké lets go before he actually takes one." you say, but Kiké picks you up and puts you his shoulder to pose for the pic.  

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