Treat You Better [Joc]

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You're sitting in the corner of your room, your doors are locked, tears streaming down your face. Your phone keeps buzzing but you ignore it. It's been a rough day with your boyfriend, so you call it a night. You wake up the next morning and check your phone, it's just texts from your best friend Joc, asking if you're okay and why you're not responding to his messages. You have to get ready for classes and you're running late, so you do hoodie, jeans, and shades. You grab your things and head to school. Once you arrive, your head is shoved in your locker, not wanting to deal with the day. You feel a hand touch your shoulder, you know that delicate touch, it's Joc. But he cannot see you like that.
"What's wrong (y/n)?" he asks.
"Cramps... Can't you tell by my careless outfit?" you lie.
"Mmm I see, well I'll see you in Rogers right now." he says.
"Mkay." you mumble.
"Are you waiting for Adam?" he asks.
Tears begin to form in your eyes, but he can't see you like that, you clear our throat, "Yeah, he'll be here any minute, I'll see you in class."
"Alright shorty, see you there." he says. And you sense him leaving.
You get out of your locker and head to the girls restroom. "Please tell me I have concealer." you say to yourself.

***Joc's POV***

On my way to Rogers class, I noticed Adam with his friends hanging out at the quad, but no (y/n). They're just sitting there laughing. Once I approached the snotheads, "Hey Adam." I said. "Hey fag," he says and the rest of his guys are laughing. "Have you seen (y/n)?" I asked again. "She hasn't came yet, so no." he says. "Alright, bye."
Something is up, I need to go back to her locker. I headed back to her locker area and she wasn't there anymore.
"Troy!" I shout, he's her locker neighbor and he was here when I saw her earlier.
"You're talking to me?" he asks.
"Yes, have you seen (y/n)?" I ask impatiently.
"She headed to the girls room right there." He says.
"Thanks bro." I say and rush to the girls room.
As I stand outside waiting for her to come out, the first bell rang. Some girls came ur but she still hasn't came out. The halls became empty and the echoes faded. The late bell rang. "Fuck it." I mumble. I made sure there weren't any teachers in the hallway to stop me. I barged into the restroom.
The late bell rang and I'm finishing up my concealer. As I put it in my bag, someone barges into the girls room. "Joc! What the hell are you doing in here? You can get in trouble." you say.
"I don't care, I came to check on you. You mean a lot to me, and I see that you're a bit off. We can talk about it if you want." he says.
"There's nothing wrong." you lie to your best friend.
"I saw Adam and he didn't seem to care if you were here or not today." he says.
"Well, that's just Adam, you know." you fake a smile, "now I'm going to go out and I will knock twice if the coast is clear."
You walk out and there is no one outside, so you knock twice and he comes out.
You go about your day like nothing happened, but you know Joc is on to you now.
**at home**
You're in your room doing your homework and you hear your door creek open. "Mom, I'll be down for dinner when I'm done with homework." you say.
"It's not your mom, she let me in." the voice says.
"Say your name or I will pull my stun gun out right now and blow my rape whistle," you say.
"Joc. Joc Pederson." he says.
"OMG! You gave me a heart attack!" you say turning around.
"Okay, well we need to talk." He says.
He's going to bring up this morning.
"About?" you say.
"Adam, you, this morning." he says.
Well there's nothing to hide now.
"Ask away." you say.
"Well what the hell is going on first of all?" he asks.
"We got into this fight last night, nothing big." you say.
"It's something if obviously you guys aren't talking and you had your little phase this morning." he says.
"Uhhhhh fine, cause you made me," you start, "yesterday after school, I was with Adam. He started joking around about how he gets a lot of girls but I told him that he only needs me and he just kept bringing it up. And then he was around his friends so they started adding fuel to the flame. They started talking about parties and asking why I don't go with Adam since I'm his girl, and I said it's not my scene. Then they started making fun of me and laughing, and Adam said nothing!!! So I left and came walking home. He didn't even come after me or speak up for me. The worst part? I called him when I got home to tell him I was safe because I usually update him when I'm alone and he said, "Why do I care?". So I left my phone alone and just cried." you say with tears.
**Joc's POV**
Hearing (y/n) say this really broke my heart. She doesn't deserve this, she needs a real man, someone who will stand up for her. Someone who will treat her better, I just hate how she only sees me as a friend. If only she knew I would give up the world for her, she deserves a real gentleman. I always have to hear her cry about dumb Adam.
I grab (y/n) and just hold her against my chest, "(Y/n), you don't deserve this, he doesn't deserve you. You need someone who will treat you better. Someone who won't make you cry. Someone who will give you all the love and affection you need." I whisper into her ear reassuring her.
"But who will do that for me?" she asks.
"Me. I can treat you better than he can. You should be with me instead. I just want to give you the love that you're missing, just tell me what you want me to do. I promise I won't let you down, just knew you don't have to do this alone. I have loved you forever and I will love you long time (y/n), if you give me the chance." I say.
She looks into my blue eyes looking for hope. I look into her eyes and see all the hurt and brokenness in her. I pulled her him up and pecked her on the lips, "You will always have me and you can count on me to treat you better."  

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