Behind the Scenes [Joc]

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You've worked at Dodgers Stadium for a while now as concessions stand vendor. You stuck with the job because although it wasn't your first choice as photographer, it was still a paying job. 

"Hey, (y/n). What do you say about being photographer for the day?" your employer asks you when you arrive at your usual parking. 

"Are you being serious right now or are you playing with me like you always do?" you ask in an annoyed tone. 

"Our usual is sick today, the equipment is yours for the day, if you agree." he says as he waves a pass in front of you. 

"Ohh please, I'd love to. Thank you so much." you anxiously grab the pass and make your way to the player's parking lot. 

You get there before the players and find the equipment no problem. You take a few practice snaps to get the hang of it. 

"What are you doing in here?" a voice asks behind you. 

"Ohh, I'm sorry, should I be leaving? I just came to get some of this camera equipment." you say shyly.

 "Ohh, my bad, just not used to having girls in here, well except for Alanna, but you're not Alanna, neither are you our photographer." he says. 

"Ohh I know, I'm the replacement for today." you say. 

"Well I've been looking for someone to do a personal photo shoot with, maybe you can be my photographer?" he says with a smirk. 

"Maybe I can." you say confidently. 

"Well let me give you my—" he gets cut off by someone. 

"Pederson! No time for flirting, get to changing and head to batting practice." one of the coaches says. 

"But—" he says. 

"No excuses Pederson, keep moving." the coach says again. 

"I'm sorry, it was my—" you begin to say but get cut off. 

"Now start taking pictures or I'll request to get a new photographer." he says. 

"Yes sir." you say. 

You walk all over the stadium taking pictures of fans and getting pictures of the game as it goes on. You then head down back to the dugout to get pics of the players on the field. 

"So about that personal photo shoot," Joc begins again. 

It's the bottom of the fourth and they're batting right now. 

"I'll give you my number now, it's—" he gets cut off again by one of the coaches. 

"Pederson! It's game time not flirting time. Do you want to be pulled out for messing around?" the coach asks him. 

"Not at all coach." he says. 

"Then get over here before I pull you out." he says. As Joc walks up to where the coach is, he stands next to him, looks at you and mouths the words, "I'm sorry." 

The rest of the game continues and ends shortly at the top of the ninth. The Dodgers win! You go on the field to get pics of the team celebrating the win and dumping Powerade on each other. You make your way back to where you first picked up the camera equipment and put it away.

 As you're about to get in your car, you think about how you never got Joc's number for that photo shoot. 

"Wait!!" you hear someone yell as your about to sit down, you look around and you see it's none other than, Joc. 

"You never got my number, so here it is." he says as he grabs your phone and types it in your contacts. 

"What kind of photo shoot do you want to do?" you ask him. 

"We can talk about these details over dinner." he says with a wink, and walks away.

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