Bad News [Joc]

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You've been at the hospital all week taking care of your grandma. "Hey what time are you going to the game?" a text from Joc reads. 

"I'll be leaving the house soon and I'll be there in no time." You reply. 

Joc doesn't know that you've been at the hospital taking care of your grandma, whenever he's out, you're out, whenever he's about to get home, you get home right before he does. At night time it's no problem because you tell him you're working late. You look over at your grandma and she's fast asleep. 

Your mom walks in, "She'll be okay sweetie, just go to the game and by the time you'll be back, she'll still be here." She says. 

You go up to your grandma to kiss her in the forehead, "I love you nana." You say before walking out. 

You head home to take a quick shower and then head over to the stadium. You sit down in your usual seat and cheer on Joc as he takes the field. The first three innings go by quickly and Joc is on deck to bat. Just then your phone rings, it's a voice message from your mom. You plug in your headphones and listen to the message, "Please get here as soon as possible, don't mean to interrupt your personal time sweetie, but it's your nana." She says. 

You immediately grab your things and leave the stadium. You begin to think about your nana and then you begin to think of Joc. 

"He's going to think I'm the worst girlfriend, never home anymore, barely goes to his games." You say to yourself as you leave the stadium. 

You get to the hospital within a matter of time and rush to your grandma's room. "Mom!" you shout. "(Y/n)!" she yells back going up to you embracing you. 

"What happened? What's going on with nana?" you ask. 

Words can't even escape her mouth, she just points at a body rolling out of your grandma's room. There is a cloth covering her body. 

"No. No no no no no no no! This can't happen." Were the last words to leave your mouth before you began sobbing. 

"Honey, I think it's best if you went home right now, this isn't the setting you should be in." your mom says, saying every word between gasps. You take her advice and you drive home slowly, making sure you would get home safely with tears in your eyes. When you get home, you tune into the game and it's now the bottom of the 8th, Joc is batting, "Looks like Joc is a bit frustrated, wonder what's going through his mind." Vin Scully says, "He's been slowly getting out of his slump though which is a good thing for the team if they want to make it to playoffs. One down, one on, 3 balls and 1 strike." He continues. 

"Let's go Joc, you got this." You say, whispering for hope. 

"Joc Pederson, looks like it's going out, and he hits this one out of the park, 3-1, Dodgers." The inning drags out and the game ends quickly and the boys in blue win.

You begin to make some dinner to distract your thoughts. You grill some chicken and make some pasta on the side, just what Joc likes. You hear his car pull into the driveway, so you set the table and head to the living room to greet him. 

When the door opens, "Hi baby, how was the—" Joc cuts you off immediately, "Cut the crap (y/n). Why do I feel like you're cheating on me? Staying out extra late for work, thinking I don't know when you go out? And the one time I ask you to come watch me, you can at least stay for the game, and not leave half way. So please tell me right now, the truth, if you're cheating on me, I can take it, I just want to hear it from you." He says a bit angrily. 

You can feel tears form in the brim of your eyes and then slip out, uncontrollably, "Joc, I'm not cheating on you, it's just—" words can't even leave your mouth after that, your sobs are holding you back from talking. 

"It's just what?" he asks. You gesture for him to take a seat on the couch, so he does, and you sit next to him. 

You pull out your phone and play the voice message your mom left on your phone during the game. You look up at him after it's done playing and he looks at you, "Did your nana?" he asks.

More tears begin to leave your eyes and you can't even look at him. He wraps his arms around you and holds you tightly, "I didn't know (y/n), I'm so sorry." He says kissing you on your head, "Why didn't you tell me anything?" he asks. 

"I just couldn't find the strength to." You say under your breathe. 

"I'm sorry for giving you a hard time, I love you so much." He says, "Hey, let's go wipe those tears away." He says carrying you to the restroom to clean your face. 

"This is why I don't like when you wear that makeup stuff, when it runs, it ruins your true beauty." He says cleaning the mascara from your cheeks. You look up at him and crack a weak smile, "I think we should go eat now." He says, as the two of you walk down to the kitchen to eat the food you prepared for dinner.  

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