The Senior [Joc]

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This is actually the first chapter to my fanfic, you should go check it out!! 

It's October, Algebra 2 is hard as usual. Being a junior in Algebra 2 is hard, especially when the majority of the class are seniors. You have no friends to turn to if you need help. But there is this one guy in your class, he's a senior, his name is Joc Pederson. He sits three seats in front of you. He's the "jock" the hot stuff, only the hottest girls in school date him. But guess what? Everything changed. The last math test you took and you thought you did so bad on, guess what? You passed it. 

"Congrats to the two students who passed the test, as a reward, you can leave class right now. So bye (y/n) and Joc. Have a good day." Your math teacher says. You pack your things and walk out of the class immediately. 

"That was a close one huh?" someone says from behind you. You turn around and the figure bumps into you causing you to drop your books. "Ohh my bad." He says as he bends down to grab your books. 

"Here you go." He says and flashes a smile. 

"Hi." You say. 

"Hi yourself." He says, "So that was a real close one huh?" he says. 

"Yeah I guess." you say. 

"Do you want to get something to eat? I can drive." he says. 

"Sure." you say. So he takes you out to eat and gets to know you. He gets to know your story and every little detail of yourself. And you as well, you learn about his baseball career, and his personal thoughts. 

"You're actually really cute when you laugh." he says. 

"Thanks." You say. 

"Maybe we can do this again some time?" He says. 

"I would love to." You say. 

"Here's my number." He says grabbing your phone. 

"Alright I'll text you." you say taking your phone back. 

You turn your head to see if anyone is there, and once you turn back a pair of lips meet yours. That was unexpected. You didn't know whether to break the kiss or stay there, so you just stayed. It felt nice, it was a bit rough but it was gentle and soft. He pulls away, "Someone was a little excited." He says laughing. 

"Last time I checked, you were the one who kissed me." you say laughing.

"Okay let's get back to school because I have practice." He says. 

"Okay." You say. He takes you back to school and drops you off near your locker area and drives off to the baseball field. 

"Someone was on a date huh? Who's the mystery boy?" Your friend asks you as she approaches you. 

"Ohh him? Just some kid in my class." You say. 

"I had English right now, and you had math. OMG HE'S A SENIOR!" She says. You shrug it off. "Now you have to tell me who it was." She says. "He's just some boy, it's nothing serious." You say. "A boy? Nothing serious, you've never even had your first kiss." she says. 

"I did so." you say back. 

"When and with who?" She asks. 

"Someone today." You say. "Unless I see a picture, he's not real." She says. 

As if on cue, Joc comes running back to you, "(Y/n)! Here's your book, you left it in my car." he says.

"Thanks." You say. "You'll text me later right?" He asks. "For sure." You say and he leaves. 

Your friend look to see if he has left and right when he did, she screams. "Why are you screaming? People are staring." You say. 

"Is it?" She asks. 

"If I say yes, will you shut up?" She screams again. 

"Will you shut up please, I don't want people staring." you say. 

"Well okay, come to my house after school." She says and walks off to her next class. 

Your last class goes by in a flash and you begin to walk to your friend's house. Coincidentally, her house is past the baseball field. You walk past the baseball field and glance every now and then to see Joc practicing. You're staring at your feet walk on top of the concrete. "Head's up!" Someone shouts from the field. You look up and see a ball coming to your direction, but it's still in the air slowly coming down. "Got it." someone yells as he tracks down the ball. 

"Ohh hey again." he says and throws the ball back in. 

"Quite an arm and the feet." you say. 

"Thanks, well I got to go, see you soon." he says. 

You finally get to your friend's house and sit in the front porch. Her mom gets home late and she gets there after dance. So you decide to text Joc although he's at practice. "Hi :)" you typed out and smiled as you texted the smiley. 

"What you smiling at?" your best friend says. 

"Gosh Kayla, it would help if you weren't so demanding." you say as you put away your phone. 

"So who you texting?" she asks. "It's no one." you say. 

"No one? Is that the name you give to the boy you talk to?" she asks you. 

"Okay fine, you caught me, I'm texting the boy you saw earlier." you say. 

"Girl, I know who Joc is, he's only one of the hottest seniors at school." she says. 

"Well yeah, thanks. Anyways he's at practice right now so yeah." you say. 

"So yeah, now you're going to tell me about that entire shenanigan thingy that went on earlier." she says as she goes inside her house. You follow her inside and settle down in her room. She comes in shortly with iced tea and snacks. 

"Lay it on me." she says. 

"Well where do you want me to start?" you ask her. 

"Ohh, so it's a long story?" she asks you. 

"Pretty much." you say. 

"Okay, how about the beginning, how did he notice you?" she asks grabbing a chip. 

"Well we both passed this math test and Bender excused us both to leave early for lunch. So then I walked out and he said something so I turned and he bumped into me. And then he asked me for lunch where we talked for hours, and I almost missed my class but I made it and then that's when you happened." you say. 

"Wow a boy." she says. The two of you then continue to talk about her day and your day. You check your phone every now and then to see if he replied, nothing yet. 

"Well hey, I should probably head home soon. Bye." you say to your friend as you leave her house. 

You start to walk through the familiar streets, headphones in, music blaring loud, street lights that light up the night, rain starts to pour. You're distracted from your thoughts when you hear a honk, you turn around and of course it's none other than Joc Pederson. 

"Get in the car." he says. You get into his car, "Sorry I'm getting your seats wet." you say. 

"No worries. I live nearby so let's get you dry." he says. 

"It's okay, I live just around here too." you say. "(Y/n), I know you live further than me, when I get home you usually walk past my house." he says. "If you insist." you say.  

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