22. Crushing Me, Stupid Penguin, and Sick.

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"Oh my god. It's like they haven't seen each other in months." I said walking up to Ash.

"Oh hush. You know you would do the same if you were trapped with yourself for hours." He said looking down at me.


"But I love you."

"Sure." I said walking away, back to our table.

"Babe." He whined." Don't be mad at me." He pouted.

Damn him.

"Hmph. Fine." I said stretching out the 'E'.

"Yay!" He said jumping up and giving me a hug.

"Oi Ash!"

"Heheh. Sorry."

"It's ok. Hey Ali! Calum! Are you done yet?"

"Huh? Oh yea. Let's go get lunch."


"I'm so tired!" I said plopping down on my bed.

"Ugh same." Ali plopped into my spiny chair.

"OMG me too!" Ash said plopping into my bed.

"Oi Ash. Get off me!" I said pushing him.

"But you so comfy!" He said wiggling his body."

"No! Stop it! It's crushing me! Calum help!" I said looking at him.

"Sorry I'm a little preoccupied." He said, motioning to Ali sitting on his lap.

"Ugh. Ash please?" I said.

-Heart beats fast. Colors and promises. How to be brave how can I love when I'm afraid? To fall watching you stand all alone. All of my doubt goes away some how.- my new ringtone started going off.

"Got it!" Ash said fishing it out of my pocket." For you. Some one named Tammy?"



"Tammy? What's up?"

"Well, I thought you were dead cause you hasn't called or texted me!"

"I'm sorry Tammy. I've been uh a little busy." I said looking at Ashton.

"Excuses excuses. No to the reason I called you. You remember that guy I liked, Freshman year?"


"No. That was Sophomore year. The Indian guy."


"Yea. Him. Well, he moved back and let me tell you something." The line wet silent. "He's back and he's sooo hot! And we've been talking and hanging out. Guess what?"



"OMG Tammy!" I said trying to jump up but slamming my forehead on Ashton's.

"Owe!" We both cried

"Mia are you ok?"

"Yea. I uh just hit my head."

"On a guy?"


"Ohkay then. I'll let you go just text is ok? Everyone thinks you dead!"

"Really? Oh gosh, ill talk to you later."



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