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"Whoa..," the girl sighed, "Hottie just walked in at ten o'clock."

"Miracle stop being so gay..." Her friend quipped rolling her eyes looking towards the entrance door and quickly turning back.

Miracle didn't mind her friend as she hypnotically watched the stud trail blaze into the coffee shop with a smirk on her face, walking next to the school's arrogant, mean hustler, Aaron. "Oh wow, she is spectacular. Who is she? Does she go to our school?"

"Yeah, I'm not sure of her real name though, everyone calls her D."

Miracle couldn't snatch her eyes from eagerly looking over the conspicuous woman. She was completely enthralled by her confident aura and dominating height and toned, firm frame. Her hair was crinkled and free, making it evident that she had just taken it out of some type of braids. Her locks were auburn; long and bushy like a lion's mane. Her chocolate skin looked smooth and naked. Her face... Oh my god, her face... Miracle thought to her herself, releasing a shaky sigh. "How can a person be so beautiful with no makeup? Is she wearing any makeup? She has to be." She gabbled.

"Oh no, she never wears makeup. She's all natural and blessed to be."

The stud glanced around and caught Miracle's stare. She smirked at her and broke eye contact to talk to the cashier.

Miracle let out a breath she hadn't known she was holding. "Oh my god Heather she just looked at me!" Her face flushed and she started biting on her bottom lip out of habit.

"Stop drooling at her and go speak." Heather mumbled sipping her coffee.

"I- I can't?" It came out more of a question than a statement. It mirrored her surprise at her internal conflict. Miracle had never been timid to speak to anybody. She looked at all people the same. She was very outgoing and she knew just about everybody, or knew of everybody, but not this fox.

"Why not?"

"Because... I don't know her."

"--Which is weird given that you know of everybody."

"I've heard her name before but I've never seen her."

"Yeah... she rarely comes to school."

She needed to suck it up. She's a person too. She was so into a trance that she hadn't even noticed that she was still eyeballing the woman and she had noticed it. Miracle stood up and mumbled a "Be right back," to her friend who told her to hurry back. She went to the fruit bar and blankly starred at the fruit, wondering if the woman had been looking at her. Calm down Miracle, she's just a girl. Just go talk to her; she's probably just like everyone else. No different, nothing bright about her, she's average.

Miracle was broken out of her trance when she heard a deep voice from behind her sending shivers up her spine, "Hey, you good?" Cool breath brushed against her neck making her hairs stand up.

"Hey," she spun around offering a nervous smile, "I'm fine."

The woman let her shoulders sag pushing her hands into her pockets, "I agree." She nodded pointedly looking Miracle up and down with a grin on her face.

Miracle raised her eyebrows and blushed harder trying to hold back her smile. C'mon, get it together Miracle.

"I couldn't help but notice you frequently staring at me—like do you have something to say or...?"

My Love: Lesbian Romance (Futanari)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now