Tricks & Games

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3 Years Later

"I'll see you later baby," Miracle said hovering over a half sleep D. D moaned her okay, her eyes still close. "I'm gonna be thinking about you all day today. But I have to go to school still, Kay? So don't hold me back." Miracle trailed, mainly talking to herself because her girlfriend was unmoving in the bed semi-unconscious.

Miracle had to go to her classes while D had the day free to lie in bed and sleep until Miracle could get back and irk her to death. Miracle knelt in front of D's sleeping form and stared at her peaceful face. D's auburn hair was braided back into two cornrows, done by Miracle, because she was always agitated with her hair being everywhere. Her skin looked so clean and smooth. Her dark, thick eyelashes rested on her cheeks and her chest raised and fell persistently. Her buttercup lips were slightly parted and looked inviting enough for Miracle to just kiss... or bite. Miracle really wanted to wake D and have her attention but that would be selfish because she would be leaving right after.

She smoothed her hand on the smooth of D's naked chest before pulling the quilt to cover her exposed skin. Miracle had to force herself to get up and get dress. She truly wanted to stay in bed with D and continue their fun from the night before.

Not being able to control herself any longer, Miracle planted soft kisses all over D's face and nibbling a little on her collarbone and jaw. She just wanted to leave with something. Miracle could fuck D in her sleep if it came to it.

Miracle finally stood up and gave one last glance at D's beautiful face covered in her baby doll pink lipstick before she headed off.

It had been 4 years since D opened Miracle's eyes verbally, not including the times they met, but she needed to live through some things to fully understand the truth behind her words. She had to drop some her friends after the party she attended when they tried to hook her up with some guy; that Cochise guy at his party. They were well aware with Miracle and D's relationship yet they decided to challenge it and practically have the guy molest her. Drunk or not the guy was wrong, and so were her friends. The worst part was when D found out.

She was raging, completely infuriated. She cursed all the girls and kicked the boy's ass. Cochise swore to reap revenge on D for what she did; given all the gang stuff he was tied up in, Miracle was very wary of his words.  D even clocked Miracle around the clock for the next three weeks. Of course, when she went back to work she was super behind. Miracle had thought that D was overprotective before but she soon realized that she hadn't seen the best of it.

Her life had new focuses now, D being the major one. She even managed to start her own business, with the help of D. She started making and selling crotchet and knitted clothing, and she had her own space where she would slay girl's makeup and hair. She wouldn't say she had her own beauty shop yet because she did it as a hobby and would soon stop to turn the space into her own art show. Her parents were so proud of her and trusted D enough to basically push Miracle to live with her. So it was Miracle's last day of classes and she would be graduating with a Master's Degree in Fine Art. She's been freelancing since the age of fourteen, selling her paintings here and there, now she had her art displayed in local museums and around town. She's even been able to help make a mural for the city.

D has been the epitome of Miracle's happiness and joy, her life. D was so open-minded; she opened so many doors for Miracle in so many ways. Miracle wanted to spend the rest of her life with her baby. She tried to bring up the topic of marriage so many types, but D would always try to put it off which would end in an argument. She also wanted kids, at least one, but D wasn't with that either. Miracle didn't understand why D was postponing so much; she had her life together more now. Maybe she wants me to live it more so than get it together first, Miracle thought to herself as she sat at a bench on campus, letting the cool winter breeze tousle her bobbed hair. It was much longer now and evenly trimmed.

My Love: Lesbian Romance (Futanari)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now