Fallen Angel

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It was the phone call that ended Miracle's happiness. She answered the phone so quickly; she hadn't even realized that the caller wasn't D. Her smile faltered along with her excitement when a husky, masculine voice echoed at the other end of the phone. Her heart faced as she was hit with a wave of dizziness upon hearing that her love was in the hospital. She was instantly hit with a premonition of eminent disaster. A car collision; drive-by; she could've been robbed; maybe she passed out or something. She tried to evade all negative thoughts as she rushed to the hospital.

Once she arrived she scurried to the front desk to get D's located. Upon hearing the room number she walked away before the lady could finish informing her of processing. She stumbled upon the ICU and dazedly stared at its surroundings. Everyone around her seemed like phantoms. Doctors, nurses, patients; even they weren't enough to make her grasp reality. She let her eyes search for any piece of her lover amongst the hustling staff. Once she caught sight of a reddish brown torso her eyes widened as they snapped up to the owner's face. Her heart spiked as she shuddered, her legs going limp beneath her. Strange arms caught Miracle mid-fall as she let out a painful wale at the sight of a bloody D. There was a blistering bullet wound to her dome and one festering amongst the bloody mess of her shoulder, side, and leg.

She felt herself being tugged backwards out of the room, and people telling her to calm down for she was distracting the doctors from doing their work. Miracle thrashed in the arms that barred her from running to her lover's side and trying to wake her. Hot tears blazed down her face as she felt herself choking on the wrenching pain that suffocated her heart. She had never felt a pain worse than this; her heart breaking as she watched Desiree's heart slow.

She screamed; she yelled for D. She cried her named into the room, hoping for her to lay upright on the bed and be okay. She starred at her limp arm dangling off the stretcher—she wanted to feel her hand in hers and shake her till' she woke. Watching the staff throw liquids on her to clear her wounds and pull bullets from her body made Miracle even more distraught. She had never seen D so vulnerable, she wanted to yell for everybody to get out and go away—that they were making it worse.

She yearned to touch her love, to stare into those mesmerizing chocolate orbs and feel the softness of her hair and plush chocolate skin. Strength she never knew she had allowed Miracle to withstand the people pulling her back. But that all changed a little after the bullet from her skull was pulled. D's heart monitor started to flat line and this paralyzed Miracle, allowing her to successfully be removed from the room into the waiting area.

She sat still, unable to move as she stressed her ears through the noise to listen for the sound of the heart monitor to start beeping again. She stood so still, as if moving more would be hurting Desiree more. She hadn't even realized how bad she was shaking until she looked down at her trembling hands and thighs. Tears splashed onto her jeans as she held herself shaking her head in denial, wishing it was a horrible nightmare she'll just wake up from.

The memory that they were just on the phone laughing and kidding around sunk in. I guess that was your goodbye.

Miracle grabbed fists full of her hair trying to abolish the thought that Desiree was dead as she rocked back and forth in her seat.

But she was shot in the head...

She's not dead.

She's not dead.

She'll wake up and be alright.

A tall petite woman suddenly sat down next to Miracle and rubbed her back, giving her condolences in a thick Italian accent as tears of her own streamed down her face. "She'll be okay, she'll wake up. She's strong." She didn't bother to ask who the woman was—she didn't even pull away when she comforted her.

Hours flew by and so did people, but Miracle remained seated as she waited for the news of her lover. She was the only one in the hallway at 3 am in the morning. She accidentally dozed off a few hours ago and instantly hated herself for it when she woke up to the sound of her parents and Desiree's friends.

She felt a fresh set of hot tears brim her eyes as she jumped into the tight hold of her parents. In the middle of informing everyone about Desiree's state, a doctor stepped out with blood stained on his coat and white power on his hands from taking off his gloves.

Miracle's head snapped to him as he asked to speak with her. He pulled her into his space and pushed a box onto her.

"I believe she might've wanted you to have this. A witness was an Italian woman from a nearby jewelry store says it was intended for you as well." Miracle didn't pay much attention to the women he was referring to, instead she flipped open the box and was mesmerized by the beautiful rock inside.

"Okay, but how is she?"

The doctor sighed. Miracle's lips began to tremble after such a heavy sigh.

"Misses Miracle, I am sorry but," Miracle shook her head, pleading with her glossed over eyes for the doctor to not say what she thought he was about to say, "We tried everything we could, but we could not stabilize her blood vitals. She's gone."

Those final words permanently stung Miracle. It declared that her future fiancée, her lover, her Desiree was gone, forever and she could never ever bring her back. She could never ever hear her cool husky voice ever again; she could never see her face again; she could never, ever feel her touch again.

Miracle's arm sprung out to hold on the near wall for support as a sudden wave of dizziness hit her once again. She let out another wail to the gods up above yelling a cry of desperation-- Desperate to see Desiree again and the gleam in her eyes.

So much had happened in one day.

She found out she was pregnant with a child of the love of her life. D happened to be on her way back to her, she was coming back to her to make another one of her dreams comes true. Like she always had. She was going to propose to her and make her, her fiancée. She was coming with a heart full of warm love and sorrow for ever making her baby cry. She was coming. Yet while she was coming, while she was planning. Someone decided to take her from Miracle.

Take her, her proposal, her sorrow, her love, her presence, her effect, her life.

For why?

Because she was Desiree. And she did everything with meaning, passion, grace, and love. She had a beautiful mind and soul. She had dreams; dreams of changing the world. She was a trail blazer and could give a damn would anybody had to say about her behind her back, because they were behind her for a reason. She walked in silence, grinded hard, and kept her head up.

She was going to marry her. D was going to risk so many things that she value and risk her heart to marry Miracle. She was going to be her fiancée, her wife. But now Miracle will never have that happy ending she always wanted. She will never marry the person she loved at a fairy-tale wedding. More tears came back making her head throb and her vision blur. Her parents cooed her and her mother sobbed.

Desiree was announced dead at the strike of 12 midnight on New Years Day, 2014.  Miracle was stuck in a quasimedative state as her heart yearned to have spent the first moment of the New Year with her love.

Desiree's friends, Aaron, were distraught; they swore and cursed whoever had done it. They knew who did it. They wept as well. Everyone mourned for Desiree, she was loved and most certainly worth loving. She will never be forgotten. Although Miracle wanted to so badly for D to wake up and walk to her, to fill the emptiness that immediately started to make residence in her heart, she knew that D's love was strong. It was powerful. That's the consequence of loving a fallen angel.

Come back, baby. I will forever love you, Desiree.


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