Sex, Sex, Sex

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Two Months Later

"Babe, I've got to go."

"No, I don't want you to go; I won't let you."

D was currently being held captive by her pouting girlfriend in a koala hug from her backside as she sat on the corner of her bed trying to put on her shoes.

The two women recently recovered from a long night of hot, passionate love making; an activity that has become a norm for the spicy couple. Now, the day is anew and D must leave her love to go work on her future—their future. She was always doing something. From building her own house to starting her garden and car repair shop. She was so skilled in any trade and eager to learn anything that would advance her self-efficiency and sustainability. Miracle had scored lucky with D, and she was thankful, but hardly got a chance to see her baby. Even though they were practically living together, enough was still not enough to her.

"Stop it," Miracle whined like a baby, using her feet to try and kick D's shoes away from her feet.

"Babe," D sighed, trying to loosen her girlfriend's durable grip, "Keep playing, I'm going to bite you."

D turned over in her girlfriends grip, leaped on top of her, and started biting her neck, shoulders, and pinching between her thighs and up her side. Miracle burst into an uncontrollable fit of laughter trying to push D off of her.

"D stop!" she squealed.

"No, too late now, I gave you your chance."

After a few moments of play fighting and giggling on Miracle's end, Miracle pulls D down onto her more and invades the warmth of her mouth. Shivers roll up her spine and the hairs all over her body stands. There is never a moment when Miracle isn't wet around D. She always craves for her.

Miracle only had on one of D's oversize tees and panties, so D could easily run her hand up her inner thigh and feel the heat radiating from her moistness.

Miracle slithered her tongue into D's mouth as their kiss deepened, making Miracle moan. She ran her hand under D's shirt and down her toned abdomen. When she got to the hard bulge in her jeans she rubbed it making D groan and break free from the heated kiss before she lost herself. D let out a husky breath and cleared her throat.

"You are really provoking me, peach."

Miracle loved what she did to her love. She loved watching her irises go big and cloud over with lust. It was like watching a boy turn beast.

She smirked and seductively stuck her tongue out and ran it along D's bottom lip, across her jawline, and down to her neck where she began sucking. She instinctively opened her legs wider and locked her legs around D's hips.

Just D's closeness made her excited. It was just enough to make Miracle fold.

"I can't stay any longer." D groaned. It was obvious she fighting was her intense libido.

Miracle arched herself into D, clawing her nails up D's back. "I want you so bad it hurts."

The last thing D wanted to do was leave her love in a lustfully aroused, throbbing plight. Besides, the smell of Miracle's arousal was sending her over the edge. She did want her too. She wanted to be snug in the warmth of her tight core. "Alright babe, I'll take care of you."

A night of lust and love wasn't enough to satisfy the couple's insatiable need for each other.

D put her arms under Miracle's shirt and began groping her breasts and tugging at her nipples. Miracle's heavy panting and the sound of their kissing were the only sounds that filled the room. Miracle hastily unbuttoned D's pants and fumbled for her hard member.

My Love: Lesbian Romance (Futanari)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now