No Rush

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"Mm, right there." Miracle moaned into a pillow as D massaged her shoulders. She lay sprawled out on her bed while D sat on the corner of her bed. "This is the life of a cheerleader, huh?" She trailed her skilled hands down to her obliques, then her lower back.

"No, some girls have got it good. This is life of a fat flyer that is too heavy to be held by the base."

"Only fat thing on you is your derrière." D said, giving Miracle's tush a good squeeze.

"But you love it though."

"I love everything about you babe. You are beautiful." D spoke from her heart. She loved her girlfriend's body in total. The things Miracle hated were the things D loved the most about her because she is so timid and embarrassed about them; there was nothing D loved more than to get a girl in a vulnerable state and make her feel good about her insecurities. Especially when the lights went out, she'd show those parts the most attention.

She massaged Miracle's full bum, molding her curves with her hands, "Damn," she winced to herself, "and so fine."

Miracle sat up and faced her girlfriend. She wrapped her arms around her neck and sat comfortably in her lap.

D softly pressed her lips to Miracle's. She could smell her sweet musk mixed with orange. Miracle pressed for the kiss to get deeper and for D to stop her teasing. It was making her so excited for her. "D," Miracle huskily sighed gripping her girlfriends' collar and pulling her closer.

"Miracle," D gave her a cheeky grin and gently groped her bum. "I have something to show you."

Miracle eyes lit up, D never failed at surprising her. Miracle scooted back on the bed as D stood up. She dug into her pocket and pulled out a key.

"What's that for?"

"This is your key."

"Key to...?"

"—my new place," Miracle jumped up and down on her bed exulted . "Now you don't have to sneak me in here anymore."

Miracle jumped off the bed and excitedly took the key. "When did this even happen? How did this happen? How did you afford a house, you're only 18."

"Well, you know I'm all for self-sustainability. I was able to find and buy a parcel of land for one dollar. Over the past 7 months I've been trying to build the place so I'm sorry if I've been kind of distant and haven't been spending much time with you, it's just that I just had to keep it a surprise."

"Awe baby, you always have something up your sleeve." Miracle stood on her tiptoes to match the height of her girlfriend.

"I appreciate you never questioning our relationship or doubting me any step of the way."

"It's because I love you and believe in your dreams. I see your vision baby." She smashed her lips to D's, seductively biting her lip and kissing along her strong jawline. "So you know what this means right...?" Miracle whispered into her ear. "We can have an after party at your place." She grabbed D's collar and pulled her to her.

D gave her a confused smile. "Huh?"

Miracle cleared her throat, "Speaking of prom what are we wearing? We should match."


"Yeah prom, every girls dream is to go to prom."

"Yeah," D plopped back down on the bed and lay back as Miracle rummaged through her drawers. "Yeah, well so is marriage."

"Look, marriage comes later. Just come to prom with me baby. One dream at a time."

"Girls have lots of dreams."

"And you don't?" Miracle turned around glaring at D with a raised eyebrow and a hand on her hip. "We have to help each other fulfill our dreams. I'm sorry if mine are more girly, boring, or unworthy of your time."

"You're right babe. I didn't mean to come off as selfish, I want to see you happy. So if prom will make you happy then so be it."

"It's okay; I'm here to keep you in check anyways. We have to go clothes shopping together. Prom is in two weeks and I can't wait to see your sexy ass in a suit."

D hungrily stared at her girlfriends beautiful body as she walked around her room in her underwear. "So," she mused, "when can I move in?" Miracle stood innocently between D's legs at the edge of the bed.

"Babe," D sighed, her eyes trailing down to her girlfriends protruding cleavage as she climbed on top of her, "You're not moving in. You have to stay here with your parents."

"Why not, I want to come live with you baby." She pouted drawing circles onto D's toned, bare abdomen.

"Not yet. I just finished the house. Besides I want to be the last person your parents despise for taking their daughter away from them so early." D pushed a lock of her girlfriend's shoulder length, straight brown hair behind her ear and rubbed her soft caramel colored arm. She stared into her dull hazel pool of eyes.

"I just feel like you can take care of us now; that we can live together and have everything we need."

"Not right now babe. We just need more time, we have all the time in the world, and we don't have to rush things."

"It's been two years D how much more time do we need?!"

"I'm still getting some things jump started and you're still trying to further your education. Look," D placed her hand over Miracle's, "you have a key. You can come over anytime you want. It'll be like your second home. A safe haven.  At least until we get our lives settled. It's so many things happening right now, we'll be at each other's neck in no time. The last thing I want is for us to hate each other because we were young, dumb, and hot & ready like a caesars pizza."

Miracle sighed, trying to hold back her goofy smile from the humorous analogy. "Do you love me?"

"Of course babe; I'm in love with you."

"So don't ever be afraid to commit to me, for future references, because I'm in love with you too and I don't ever want you to hold back your love."

D nodded and sat up to face her love. She brought down her chin and pecked her on her lips before going to kissing her neck. Miracle gave her more access and let out a soft moan when she began sucking on her soft spot. She arched her back, pushing herself more onto her.

D had an extreme sexual attraction to her Miracle. She always needed to be touching her in some way, feel her warmth, or taste her. The girl always found a way to turn her on. Maybe it was the intensive limbo she got from the extra limb she holds between her legs. Either or, she never got tired of making love to her Miracle.

"Every time with you feels like our first time, because whenever you touch me, you send shivers up my spine."

"I want you so bad." D sighed as she unhooked Miracles bra and trail kisses in the valley of her breast.

"Then have me." With that D made passionate love to her girlfriend; her girlfriend for two years and many more to come. The girl she was so scared to feel for, the girl she opened up to; her truest dearest friend. The girl she wants to spend the rest of her life with. The girl she wants to wake up next to every morning. The only girl she wants to ever yearn for and make love to every morning, night, and sometimes throughout the day. The girl she wants to take care of forever. She will carefully place more and more of her heart into this woman's hands, trusting that it will be the best decision of her life.

Miracle you are mine, and I am yours.


8 parts left...

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