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The wind blazes cool trails through the night breeze, whistling softly. D stuffs her hand into the pockets of her jacket while sucking in a sharp breath. She stands outside a jewelry store, looking inside through the glass window.

It's been four days since D and Miracle's argument. Ever since, Miracle has kept confrontation and conversation with D minimal; she'd even been avoiding her and locking herself in their room. Unfortunately for D, this hiatus also meant no sex. With no sex happening, D has no other way to release her frustration and tension that's constantly been building up from Miracle's loud silence. For the sake of her sexual fidelity, D's has no other choice but to consider marriage.

Miracle's emotions also have been a factor that swayed D's choices. For the past few nights, D would walk past their bedroom to check on Miracle. Through the crack in the door, she'll hear soft whimpers and sniffles. It was obvious Miracle had been distraught from the circumstances. D's stubbornness was the reason for the hiatus in Miracle's happiness.  With every whimper D's heart wrenched, and she felt the pain in every sniffle. But it's not like someone died or something, it's not that serious. D thought to herself, trying to organize her jumbled thoughts. But the voice in the back of her mind told her that it was much more that; that when D refuses Miracle's hand in marriage, it's like refusing to commit wholeheartedly to her as a lover. It stems from a pile of traditions that every person grows up on and they have to have it in order for their life to be going down the right path, for them to feel complete. This was something she had been waiting on ever since she was a little girl. D finally realized that if she refused Miracle this experience then her love would seem far from whole; it would seem like it had been temporary for the past six years. Miracle would feel like she'd wasted her time on some love fallacy and that D wasn't the one.

D's thoughts were broken when the store suddenly went dark and a pale hand clicked the blinking 'open' sign in the window, off. She gave the store one last look before striding back to her truck.

Once in her truck, she reclined her chair and ran her hand over her face letting out a deep sigh. She pulled her hood further around her face and let the deafening silence ring in her ears. She hadn't felt like going home simply because she couldn't think there. Her mind was clouded and all she could think about was talking to Miracle, checking on Miracle, and waiting for Miracle to come home. Work was slow. She lacked all inspiration and the only way she could actually get a clear mind was when she left the house for some clean air; away from the suffocating silence of the house.

She was in the process of letting herself drift into a meditative state when her phone vibrated. She retrieved the device from her pocket and squinted at the screen. She'd seen it was a quarter until 11 and she had a few unread messages from her friends. She scrolled down to Miracle's, surprised to see that she had texted her she hurried up and opened it.

She texted a few moments ago, "Where are you?"

D sighed and started her truck's engine ready to pull out as she scrolled further through her messages. She opened one from an unnamed contact and clicked the picture. She starred wide-eyed at the image before her. Miracle, her peach, was kissing some guy!

What the f..., D trailed under her breath, her eyebrows ferried. She shifted gears and drove home with haste.

Miracle had been pacing around the house all night wondering where D was. She had tried to sit and settle herself, but she wound up searching out the bedroom window for her truck to pull into the driveway.

My Love: Lesbian Romance (Futanari)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now