Just Need Head

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     "Miss, would you like some headphones?" Miracle asked sarcastically as she turned her head toward D's lazy frame as a song started playing out loud.

     "How did you know my last name was Phones? I mean... If you're offering then I'm afraid I cannot say no." D offered her a coy smile as she licked her lips, "Calm your tits girl; it's just my phone ringing." D reached for her phone, pressing the power button to silence the call.

     Miracle rolled her eyes and playfully swatted at D. Their revelations smoothly died down once D started to adopt a playful mood.

     "My tits are calm. Stop playing around D, it's almost noon," Miracle knew D would have to retire for the day and go back to being busy, so she wanted to thoroughly enjoy every second she spent with D. She couldn't help her caprice but she somewhat felt agitated, she didn't know why, but D sensed it.

     "Maybe I'm not the one who needs head Mrs. Phones, because someone's grumpy."

     Miracle tried to maintain her attitude but it was hard when D was trying to make her laugh and continuously touching her in ways that made her squirm. She squealed when D pulled her into her chest, embracing her in a tight hug. "Lemme just get all of this mean out of ya girl."

     Miracle grumbled and squirmed in D's grip.

     "Stop whining, you act just like a baby. You don't even know why you're mad." D laughed pulling her girlfriend into her more. "You know you like all this lovin' on you girl."

     Miracle pulled the smile that threatened to break surface back and refused return any affection.

     In one quick move D spins Miracle around, props her against the butt of the tree and coaxes herself between her legs, her hands already pulling away at her panties. Miracle gasped and was about to verbally reject before D silenced her with a rough kiss.

     Miracle still had a tight grip on her panties as she wrestled with D over whether the fabric stays on or comes off. Miracle yelps when the fabric is snatched from her grip. D finally wins yanking the fabric off her legs and tossing them the side.

     "You're being a very bad girl," D's hot, moist breath tickled Miracle's ear making her go wild, "You just need some act right."

     Without any pretenses D violently pushed Miracle's caramel, sun-kissed legs apart and dove right into her moist cave.

     Miracle shuddered, letting out a grizzly moan. She could feel D's tongue violently attacking her throbbing moist cavity with insane zest.

     D plopped her delicate rose bud into her mouth and moaned at the taste of her sweet nectar. D's moans sent electric shocks all throughout Miracle's body making her want to close her legs, but to no avail as D pushed them further apart and delved into her more. Miracle cried at the intensity of her girlfriends tongue swarming around her pink cave. D was so virile; she wouldn't allow Miracle to close her legs even if she wanted to. Miracle couldn't stop herself from coming even if she wanted to. Her body would betray her, and she would be forced to fall into ecstasy.

     Her breathing was rugged and she felt she needed to hold onto something in order to control her dizziness. Her back arched in both pain and relief when she felt three fingers push into her womb, parting her heaping walls. Her toes curled and she cried a moan, once again, at the feeling that fell over her, like an ocean of warmth, up and down her body. She was burning on the inside while D's speed picked up as she finger ferociously plummeting in and out of her while her hot breath and warm tongue sucked, and played with her clit. She couldn't think straight and for some reason the thought of someone coming up that hill and seeing her treasure being savagely devoured under this beautiful tree turned her on even more.

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