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Miracle hummed the tune to her favorite song as she pressed out the tight curls in her hair with her flat iron. She never felt comfortable wearing her hair in its natural state, although D loved it. She fluffed out her full, silky straight hair and pushed some behind her ear as she examined her features in the mirror.

After making up her eyebrows and face, she plumped her lips with some cherry chapstick. Even though D has seen her skin bare and naked, she still loved the way she looked with a little makeup; besides it always gave her another way to blow D's mind with just her looks.

D was born sexy, she doesn't need makeup, Miracle thought to herself biting her bottom lip, D just wakes up, showers, and some days she will brush her hair if it isn't did or she doesn't forget. Her lips are pink and swollen, and her baby hairs are matted to her forehead from the silk bonnet she sleeps in. Miracle thought she looked sexy every time though either way.

Miracle quickly ended her thinking when she saw that it was 7:52 a.m. D should be pulling up any moment now. She rushed downtown stairs and came face to face with her father as he was coming through the door.

"Well, well, well," he drawled with a cheese on his face, "look who is up."

Miracle's mother came into the living room wiping her hands with a towel to see what the surprise was. "...and dressed." She blinked looking me up and down.

They both gave Miracle a confused grin and ferried their eyebrows while looking at each other and turning back to look at Miracle.

Miracle blushed and fidgeted, "Good morning," she cleared her throat.

"Who could possibly get you up this early and out of the bed?"

Before she could respond there was the sound of a car door slamming and a knock on the door. Miracle's mother chuckled shaking her head, "Wonder who that is," she mused.

"Oh, I think I know," her father quipped throwing his finger in the air as if he'd had an idea, "No other than Misses Desiree," he sang opening up the door to reveal a tall lean radiant goddess.

Miracle eyes fluttered as she threw her hands over her face. Her parents bust into fits of laughter.

"Stop it, it's not funny. You guys are always teasing me!" Miracle muffled.

"Good morning fam," The wind whistled a morning breeze, tousling D's crinkled hair as she cocked her head at Miracle with a sheepish smile on her face, "Good morning beautiful." She crossed the threshold into the house and was hit by a sea of warmth and the smell of cinnamon.

"How's it going champ," Miracle's father, Ronald, asked fist pounding D, "I see you've been taking care of that bad boy." He pointed to her Jeep through the door.

"Everything's perfect," D moved around to hug Miracle's mother, Chauncey, "You know I take care of what belongs to me."

D winked at Miracle who had been watching with her arms crossed, leaned against the railing with a soft smile on her face.

"I know that's right honey," Chauncey said pecking D on her cheek, "We knew it was you that had Miracle up as soon as she came flying down those steps like a maniac."

"Mom," Miracle gasped walking over and turning D to face her. "You could've just called me and told me to come outside."

"But that's not the proper way to take your lady out, babe."

"That's right," Ronald interrupted shaking his finger, "I remember when I first started dating your mother, her father ran me away for blowing the horn when I came to pick her up," Ronald tutted, shaking his head while Chauncey giggled, "I didn't even know it was formal to go speak to her parents and get her from her house."

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