Chance with Change

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The winds drift through D's curly locks, tousling her styled hair. She lays undisturbed under the Mongolia tree, her tranquil gaze watching the sunset behind the blue and gold horizon.

She sighed deeply allowing her thoughts to settle. She needed to think.

She didn't know what to do. D hated not knowing what to do. She wanted to badly to go out and massacre Cochise, but she knew the consequences to her actions just wouldn't be worth it. She was burning inside. She needed to refocus on things that mattered. She needed to focus on Miracle.

She tried shaking the sudden eerie feeling that casted over her by telling herself that she wasn't dealing with as many problems as she made it out to be. The only problem was making peace with Miracle on the marriage topic. Cochise, Heather, or anybody else hadn't mattered. People do stupid things all the time.

D sat up, twirling a flower in between her fingers. The white flower reminded her of her peach while she slept. As much as D loved Miracle, things were much more serene and calm when Miracle slept. D could take her in more then. D loved Miracle in all ways though, that's what made her, her.

She decided she needed to accept change and stop being fearful that the future was unpredictable sometimes. She had to accept that some things she had no control over. D gave her spot one last glance over as the sun went down and night began to fall. She strides to her jeeps and drives off.

Miracle groaned as she upchucked into the toilet bowl. She had been puking all morning and she knew exactly why. She'd stopped taking her birth control a while ago in hopes of getting pregnant. She did it more so to spite D at the time, for not wanting to marry her; so she thought getting knocked up would force her too. But she wasn't a total bitch; she really did want a kid with D. She needed a family with D. She was tired of waiting for her dreams to come true. Although the decision had been selfish, she felt she had been lenient and patient enough.

She pulled the pregnancy test from the package, prepared it, and hovered over it as she sat on the stool. She just had to make sure.

She tinkled on the stick and fanned it around for a minute. The anticipation was killing her; she hadn't even noticed that her leg had been shaking.

She got up from the stool and freshened up a little. She looked at the pregnancy stick and her heart fluttered at the one plus sign on the screen. The directions on the test said that double plus signs were a guaranteed pregnancy and that's what Miracle had wanted, not a maybe. She knew that these tests could sometimes be wrong so she pulled two more from their boxes.

She checked her phone when a message appeared. Hoping the message was from her baby she opened it. It read, "Hey, how are you? Where is D?" It was from Hailey. Miracle rolled her eyes and continued conducting her tests. Why would Hailey care about where D was? No, most importantly, why had she been talking to Miracle and spontaneously hit her line questioning D's whereabouts?

Miracle let her mind wonder as she waited for her test results. Speaking of Hailey, she reopened the picture message Cochise sent yesterday. Her eyes widened when a thought came to her mind. How hadn't she noticed yesterday? She thought to herself, Hailey was the only one around to have taken this picture. They both were in this together. They were trying to drive a wedge between her and D. It couldn't have been any coincidence that Hailey wanted her to make amends with Cochise.

Ironically enough, a message popped up from Cochise, "Hope D didn't forget about that promise I made her, I never break my promises."

Miracle breath hitched as she reread the message over and over. Where was D anyways? Work couldn't have been busy all day for her. Miracle's thoughts were running wild as she began connecting some dots she couldn't believe she had ignorantly looked over. How could she have so dense and naïve?

My Love: Lesbian Romance (Futanari)(COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now