Chapter 8

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Authors note: Quicker update! yay :) idk how long this chapter will be though.. it might only be a filler but who knows what I'll end up typing haha

Chapter 8

By the time I finally found a gas station my face was stained with tears.. I honestly don't even know why I was crying, or why I even left. Dave was just being friendly to me.. he's the first person to actually be friendly since I got here (other than Ms Wilson, she was very sweet and welcoming).. I guess I'm just so stressed about well, everything that I jump to the wrong circumstances.. I'm still not going home until I'm sure he's gone though, I don't really trust anyone who thinks that my mom is a good person, because she's not.. sorry not sorry. 

I quickly changed into the faded skinny jeans and sweatshirt I had packed. My outfit wasn't too bad for being just an emergancy one shoved to the bottom of my bag.. its a little wrinkly but what can you do. 

When I walk out of the washroom, I go straight to the cashier and grab a coffee, its a little chilly out so I'm going to need something warm. I'm about to leave and continue my walk but a bus schedule catched my eye. I grab one of those too.

I continue to walk and read about the city bus. I notice that theres one that passes by the mall going to a stop close by in about 7 minutes. I pick up the pase because socializing should be good for me. I luckily make it too the stop just on time and get onto the semi- crowded bus. Again, my feet go up on the chair next to me.

A few stops later, there was a lot of people who apparently wanted to get to the mall as well. I silently prayed no one would be brave enough to ask me to move my feet. My prayers were almost answered until one last teenage boy came running onto the bus. He was pretty cute but not cute enough for me to do the generous thing and give up the only empty seat left on the bus that my feet were occuping.

Of course, he stops by my seat, glares at me with asking eyes but I pretend not to notice and just listen to my music. He then does the most unexpected thing I never imagined would happen. He lifts up my feet, sits down and place my feet back down onto his lap. This couldn't get more awkward.. I would have been happier with him just kicking my feet to the ground.

The awkward doesn't stop there. He pulls out one of my ear buds.

"Sorry, I just couldn't stand any longer with my heavy bag and I didn't want to disturbe you"

"you're disturbing me now.. can I have my ear bud back now?"

"whats the magic word?"

"you've got to be kiding.. I'm not a child"

"I'm sure you're not. How old are you?"

"13. you?"

"Really? I'm 14. What school do you go too?"


"ooh. I go to White Oaks"

"ooo a fancy boy over here"

"its not as great as it seems haha"

"im sure its better than HT"

"ya but HT has one thing better that we don't"

"and whats that?"


"thats cute.  but it'd be cuter if you meant it"

"i do"

"you don't even know my name"

"true. Whats your name?"

"nice try" i finally retreive my ear bud and put it back it. i glance up quickly to see a small dorky smile playing on his lips. I am no longer going to be easy, I learned my lesson with Jai already. 

About 15 minutes pass by when the boy turns his attention towards me once again by tapping my shoulder to get my attention.


"the bus stopped, we're at the mall"

"oh wow.. I was so out of it I would have missed my stop haha thanks"

"so, are you meeting anyone here?" he asks as we walk off together. Now that we're both standing I notice how tall he is. I'm about 5'6 and he's gotta be 6ft. 

"nah, i just moved here so i don't really know anyone"

"well, I can help you with that. Hi, I'm Sam." he holds out his hand. "....this is the part were you tell me who you are whilee shaking my hand" he awkwardly continues. 

"I'm Scarlet and I don't touch on the first meet" he laughs as he puts his hand down. If only he knew the whole story to my new rule. 

"ha! I got you to tell me your name"

"oh yaaa. well, i figured since i have no friends here and you are willing to talk to me, i shouldn't turn you down"

"you're very witty, Scarlet. So where do you want to go first?"

"you're not meeting anyone here?"

"well, i am suppose to meet 2 of my friends but i'll just text them to go off on their own because i'd rather make a new friend today"

"american eagle"

"i can tell by your choice in store that we'll get along great."

i take in his full appearence, and just like myself, he is dressed from almost head to toe in american eagle products. it really is a nice store. 

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