Chapter 13

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Author's note: Sorry for not updating soon!! :( I've been super busy with school stuff and homework and just visiting with my family during the break. All your comments made me so happy :) I read them all and the reason I didn't respond to all of them like I usually do is because I figured I should use that time to write a new chapter, so ya. I'll try to not make you all wait that long again! :$

Also, I have 2 new story ideas that I'm really excited about but I probably won't start posting any until I finish this story. I already have one of them as a draft with a few chapters hehehe :D im just really excited lol.

Okay, lets beginnnn!



Chapter 13



At last, the bell finally rings, signalling that I can now leave this terrible place. I say my good byes to the few friends I managed to make in my last period class and speed walk to my locker.

As I'm putting the last of my books away, I feel a tap on my back and I turn around, shuddering at the view. 

"Nice to see you again, Scarlet." A smirk spreads across Jai's gorgeous face. 

I roll my eyes and go back around to finish my task of packing my bag. At this rate with Jai behind me, I don't even watch what I throw into my backpack. I'm sure one of those books is the one I need. 



I scurry off to the girls room, only to see that Jai is following closly behind. Can he not take a hint?

He catches up and speaks. "Don't you need your phone back?"

I actually don't need it back. The last time I saw him, I was too upset to retreive it from his car. I was pretty upset that I actually thought about smashing a rock to the passenger window but then my subconscious reminded me that if I break his car, it will top his abusive slap and then I will have nothing over him.

Although, it would be nice to have it back. I have been using my old blackberry torch which is very annoying and slow compaired to my used IPhone 4S I had bought myself just over a year ago. Luckily, I was able to transfer my IPhone plan over to the blackberry with nearly no issues and now the IPhone is useless to him.

"Actually no, I don't need it" I sarcastically smile.

"So you wouldn't care if I through it against that brick wall?" He pulls my phone out of his back pocket and taunts me. 

"Just because I don't need it, doesn't mean I don't want it." I attempt to snatch it from his hands but his height gives an unfair advantage over my shortness.  

"Jaiiiii" I whine.

"wow, my name sounds so much nicer when you're moaning it" he laughs.

I look around to take note that no one heard that.

"I don't really give a shit, just give it to me or I will not hesitate to call the police and tell them that you slaped, attempted rape and stole possesion of a minors phone." I snap.

"whoa, when are you getting off that period of yours?" He rudly jokes, referring to his previous period joke, back when I first snaped at him for demanding me to step out of his car.  

When he was awaiting my reaction, I caught him off guard and took my phone back. I run into the girls washroom and go into a stall, which is where I was heading in the first place. I only wish I could have wittnessed his reaction but if I waited a second later, I'm sure I wouldn't be holding this tattered phone.

Luckily, there is still enough teachers around that he can't come in. 

I quicky change into civvies and check my phone. There's a text from Sam. 

Sam: I'll be waiting by the side doors. I'm driving my parents car today so look for a blue PT

I respond with a quick "On my way!" And thank God that we are driving, that way Jai can't follow us.



Luckily when I walk out, Jai has left and I smoothly make my way to Sam's car with no further interruptions. 

Sam waves through the window of the tiny car and I speed walk towards him. My mind is already forgetting about my recent conversation with Jai.




a/n: I almost left you guys with a cliff hanger but decided to save it :p heheh

Goal: 25 votes, 10 comments!

~Stay Classyy,

Megan (Infinite_Stories) xox

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