Chapter 9

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Authors Note: I started my new fnfic I was telling you all about in my authors note, its an Ashton Irwin Fanfic from 5SOS! :) It's called "Teenage Dirtbag" and I will love you forever if you go to my profile and check it out! <3 even if you don't like 5SOS, it doesn't really have anything to do with the band, its just Ashton is a character with his personality, get what I mean? lol. Well, if you could check it out I'd be really happy :) okaaayy lets start this chapterrrrr






Chapter 9










Sam and I awkwardly made our way over to American Eagle, he was much more talkitive on the bus but I shouldn't complain, I don't have any friends here and he's a decent looking boy who wants to talk to me, and he's been nothing but nice so far. 

"I love this store" I break the silence as we enter. 

"same, its seriously all the mall needs for teenagers"

"well that, and the food court of course"

"well, ya obviously" 

"we should go to the sale rack first"

"yup" he says popping the 'p'









The silence grew back after our short conversation. We spent about 10 minutes looking through the sale area and all I found was a scarf. I wonder how Sam's doing. 

"Did you find anything good?" My curiosity asks for me. 

"nah. I'm not to great and shopping, I usually need help from my sisters haha"

"here, I'll help"










Sam ended up buying 2 shirts and I only found my one scarf. I guess the hour wasn't wasted though because once the awkwardness cleared, we were joking and laughing trying on all sorts of stuff and it felt great to not have a worry for a while. 

"So Scarlet, I'm starving. Lets go to the food court"

"i thought i was the only one haha"

"i bet im hungrier than you"

"you don't wanna make that bet with me. I don't recall eating at all yet" I think back to my day and my mind was full of thoughts that sure enough, my stomach was emty and its already 5 o'clock. 

"ya but im a guy so that automatically makes me 5 times hungrier than you"

"what the hell.."

"lets just find out. I think I want burger king"

"lets go then" i smirk because i know that i will win this cheeky little game he wants to play. 









"you can order first, im still thinking"

"you girls always take 5 hours to decide."

little did he know, I just wanted to make sure I'd order more food than him because I take eating very serious.

"ya I'll get that whopper thing with a large coke and large fry" he continues with his whimpy little order. I knew I was hungrier. 

"I"ll get the same but make that 2 whoppers with a vegetarin pattie instead. oh and i'd like a large pepsi, i hate coke"

I look over at him and smirk. 

"pepsi..? i take back what i said earlier about getting along."

he sarcastically smirks back at me and then continues with his game talk,

"okay, that is not more food than me because those little tofu things are like 1 calorie each"

"what? no, they are just as much as your murdered cow"

"nahhh. I win this, or we tie"

"fine. I'll take an icecream sundae with that too please" i order without losing my eye contact with sam

"I'll take 2" he does the same. okay, I would have never been able to finish even my first order to be honest. there is no way i can add to it. 

"quitting so soon?" he asks after my pause.

"shut up. if i was a boy then I would have won"

"oh so now the boys eat more than girls is a real fact"

"shh, lets just get our large orders and find a table" 

i say because the line up is building and the other customers are clearly pissed at how long we are taking. 









after our really filling meal, which he also won in fastest eating, its 8 already and everything is now closed. 

we bickered for another 10 minutes because I still feel like i ate more with my 2 whoopers but he claims he did because he had 2 icecream sundaes opposed to my 1 and i didn't finish all my fries. I guess the winner will remain a mystery but it was a fun little argument. 

"are you taking the bus home?" Sam asks me after we finish joking around. 

"nah i think I'll walk" I really don't want to go home right now. 

"i'll walk too then. which way are you headed?"

"towards HT, you?"

"same haha, so we'll walk together than"

"sounds good."

"you do realize it'll take over an hour though, right?"

"ya but thats okay. its nice out"







Authors note;

sorry for the sucky chapter :( im just not feeling this story but i wanna finish it for you guys. there will probably only be 20-30 chapters or something because i already know every thing that will happen and i dont feel like dragging it out.  

well, i hope you guys still enjoyed chapter 9 lol im gonna go do geography homework now... yay -_- 

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