Chapter 14

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First off- thank you sosososoooo much for nearly 17k reads on this story!! that is litterally insane for me and im so unbelievably thankful that you guys all like this story<3<3 and sorry for not updating sooner but i had exams and then second semester is so busy and my hockey schedual is crazy rn plus im actually in a tourny this weekend but i was like i gotta post so here i ammmm :D


please read authors note at the end..


Chapter 14



I jog over to Sam's car and hop in, he greets me with his usual warm smile but he looks a little off today. I decide to ignore it and start the small talk. 

"So whats the plan, Sam?" I quietly laugh at the silly rhyme i made.  His smile turns brighter and he starts to look like the Sam I've learnt to be quite fond of. 

"I'm kind of tired, so I was thinking we could just go back to my place. You know- get some food and watch some netflix?"

"sounds like my kind of night!" I go to turn on the radio and see he has a CD in, so I just press play to that instead. 

The Neighbourhood- Afraid starts playing.

"Afraid" I state while smiling. This song, like every other song I hear has a memory attached and 'Afraid' helped me through that time. "What else is on this CD?"

I can't tell what Sam is thinking right now as his eyes are focused directly on the road. Like he doesn't want to glance at me. 

"There's a few bands. My sister made it for my birthday last year. She added all my favourite bands like Artic Monkeys, The Fray, Daughter, Young the Giant, you get the point. Kind of depressing, I know- I've heard it all before but they all have a memory attached, some good. Some bad." He shrugs.

When you have the same music taste as somebody, it's like you've just read an entire book about them. 

 After a few seconds, I quietly respond with "I love it"

I see the corner of Sam's right eyes squint and his cheek raise up. He looks a lot more confident now. 

We ride the rest of the way to his house in silence- just taking in the music. 



After about 15 minutes of silent driving, we finally arrive at his house. I've never seen where Sam lives before but I instantly feel welcomed by his friendly neighborhood. He lives on the type of street where all the houses are that cute kind of small, all colourful and cozy. As a little girl, I always imagined living in a house like Sam's, one with the blue garage and purple door that has the vintage stained glass. I liked role playing in my mind what my life could be like if my family wasn't so broken. I made up so many situations that I almost tricked myself into thinking it could happen. That my family could be fixed, but I was very wrong. 

We quickly get into his house and I'm welcomed by the smell of cinnamon. He makes some hot chocolate and popcorn instantly. I don't really see the need for hot chocolate as I'm not really cold in this October weather but Sam had goose bumps forming. I guess my body hasn't adjusted yet from the weather in Canada. Then again, I'll take any excuse for hot chocolate. 

Once we're finally seating, Sam turns on the t.v. "what should we watch?" I question. 

"umm, a disney movie???" He grins all goofy. 

"I was hoping you'd say that! Frozen?"

"I was hoping you'd say that!" He jokes back. 



We're nearly half way through the movie and we both seem bored. At first we were singing and laughing but I think school has tired us out. 

Luckily he reads my mind. "wanna do something else?"

"like whattt?" I ask back.

Surprisingly, he leans in and kisses me.

Authors Note...Please read!

ok so im so sorry, i started this chapter like 2 months ago and had to keep putting it down because ive honestly been super busy, and im not just saying that. i know lots of people use that as an excuse but i can show you my calender and it might be a crappy excuse to not update in this long but that is the reason. 

now for the good news! I'm going to create and update schedule for now on so i cant put it off.. idk what it will be for sure yet but im thinking i'll update saturdays... i might not this saturday because im updating today but i'll see what i can do.

i love you all and thank you guys for not giving up on me<3 AND WOW 20K READS ON THIS!! thats crazzzzzyyyy! my goal for this week is 40-50 votes and 15 comments :) ~megan :**

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