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Hey guysssss,

so im gonna try and make this short&sweet for you all. 

basically i was suer busy with exams so i couldnt update and now im taking a course ahead in the summer so i can have an extra elective next year and oh gosh summer school is busy. for those of you who havent experienced summer school, here is an example of the experience: we started our new unit today. We did an assignment today and it is due tomorrow. tomorrow i have a quiz and then friday- the day after tomorrow, i have the unit test. so everything is just squeezed in. and on top of that i have work

i love writing and i love writing for you guys. when i rush my writing i make stupid mistakes and then it is not as good. i promise to update as soon as i have free time.

i love you all and that you so so so much for over 28,600 reads, and 500+ votes. that  is just insane to me and even though its not as much as the popular stories- it still means soo much to me so thank you all<3 and also that you for the 56 followers!! (also not much to some accounts but thats 56 people who liked my writing enough to follow me. like you are all real live breathing people with emotions and such like wow thats amazing). 

also just wanted to point out that when i post chapters instead of writing everything first and making sure it all makes sense i do make mistakes. 

an account pointed out the other day that i said sam is 14 but i also mentioned him driving.. but you cannot drive until 16 .. an example of one of my many dumb mistakes. I like it when you guys point them out to me because it clears up confussion and that way i can become a better writer. However, im not gonna fix that mistake because it is a lot of things i would have to change and i need to go study. i just wanted to clear up the confussion so just pretend that sam is 16 or that he can magically drive 2 years early lol :p again, thank you for letting me know when i mess something up:) ..btw thats not sarcasm, i do love when other people help me edit and fix things

well so much for short&sweet.... anyways love you all and i will update asap.

xoxo -megan

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