Chapter 10

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Authors Note; sorry for the wait! My wifi broke and then I was very busy but I'm updating now. So, thank you for the patience <3




Chapter 10




Once Sam and I step outside, I see that it has started to rain. It's not too bad though, just a light drizzle. 

"I guess it isn't actually as nice out as I had thought haha" I mention at the water sliding down the ledge of the roof.

"...are you sure you want to walk? Because we can take the bus back or I can call my Mom and she can come pick us up.." Sam starts to ramble on.

"Its okay, a little water isn't going to kill anyone. Besides, who doesn't like some rain from time to time?"

He chuckles, then pulls me along to start walking.



I start to twirl around like a child after just 2 minutes of being in the rain. 

"I see rain has the same effect on you as alcohol would?" He says sarcastically

"hey!" I playfully hit his shoulder. "I turn 13 and all of a sudden, I can't act like a child anymore?" I stick my tongue out at him.

"well, looks like you're breaking the rules" he sticks his tongue back at me. 

We really are immarture. 



After 5 minutes of jumping around in the rain, I get tired and decide to learn more about my new.. friend? I don't know exactly what we are but lets just say he's my friend and maybe it'll come true. I like him so far.

"So, Sam."

"So, Scarlet." he smirks, and I let out a small giggle. I don't understand how a 14 year old boy can make my name sound so charming in a 2 word sentence. 

"you said you were 14, right?"


"are you in grade 9 or grade 10, then?"

"grade 10, I have a late birthday"

"really? sameeeee"

"how can you be in grade 10... aren't you 13..?"

"oh no haha. I meant I also have a late birthday"

"oh.. whoops" his face flushes from his silly mistake.. I don't understand why he's embaressed over that though..

"when's your birthday?"  I alter the subject a little.

"November 24th. Yours?"

"October 7th, so not too far from now"

"cool. so, how do you like grade 9 so far?" he starts up a new subject as mine didn't lead us anywhere. 

"I'd like it better if I had some friends.." I admit so easily. 

"I'm sure you have at least one friend"

"I actually don't.."

"and why would a pretty, kind, fun girl like yourself have no friends?"

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