I'm Your New Leader

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I'm out of the city. I need time to think. I head into the forest. Deep in, leaving marks on trees as I run. I find a cliff and sit. I could just jump if I want. This is a nightmare. Casper. Why. How. How could I kill my only friend. He was so sweet and kind. What about his girlfriend. What about his parents. He had a good future. He was a brilliant kid. He could have gotten to a higher level in the gi. Although if he did, he would be corrupt. Just like the gi. Just like me. But aren't we all corrupt? It's just nonstop killing and blood.

Casper was a great kid. He didn't deserve to die. The rest of the gi must have been the same. The hive should have stayed away. Maybe the hive should have fled, instead of tearing families apart. But the gi did the same to us.

I killed my best friend.

"Hey! Whatcha doing?" A small face appears. Fluffy white hair. I was just trying

to read. So I tell him that. "Oh that's so boring. Why don't you do something

fun? What's your name? I'm Casper! I think you're in my class! Although you

wouldn't know. You always have your face in a book. Let's go play!" And he

grabs my hand and drags and unwilling me away. That's how I met my best


I smile at that memory. Third grade. His family treated me like family, since mine didn't care. I relive that moment over and over and soon remember the first day of college.

"Duuuuude this place is huge! How am I going to find my classes? How am I

going to find my way out again?" Casper is way too excited. He bounced and

shouted. Others give us weird looks but I don't care. His excitement rubs off

on me. We grin and stumble in. The first few months pass quickly, and he is

brilliant. Passing all of his classes with ease. We have tons of parties.

This feels like it was so long ago. Like maybe a part of someone else's life. I begin to cry and relive killing him. That omnipresent excitement gone. That brilliant mind. Gone. He was so caring and curious.

Had I answered his texts, told him I was alright, he wouldn't think a ghoul had killed me. How wouldn't want to avenge me. He wouldn't have joined the gi. He wouldn't have been there tonight. He wouldn't be dead.

If I didn't donate to that poor man, I wouldn't have become a ghoul. It's all his fault. My fault. But I was being nice. Look where that got me.

Both ghouls and humans are bad. Ghouls kill people without concern. Destroy families. Take innocent lives. Destroy. Destroy. Kill and destroy. But why? What makes it okay? They need to eat, but only once a month. They kill more than that. They starve their children and elderly and weak. Small portions once a month. It should be bigger portions once a month. They used them and killed them. Cruel. Horrible. Disturbing. Ghouls.

But humans. They invaded our home. Even if it was a corrupt one. They killed our friends and families. What gave them the right? We kill their people. They have a right to live, so do we. But are they just supposed to sit and watch their loved ones be killed and eaten? Lay down and wait until their own life is cut off?

Both sides are wrong. We are all killers. Murderers. We all deserve to die.

Maybe, I should eat both. I am both. So I will eat both. Make my own organization. I will rule by force and fix everything. By destroying both.

I spend the next week training. Slashing trees. Cutting them down. Cutting them up. Fire wood. I attack animals. Use them as bait for more animals. I dwell on the mountains near by. My hunger grows. I'll have to find my way back to the city soon. I build a large cave system. And I train and work out. I grow faster and stronger as time passes. The hive must be looking for their 'experiment'.

I guess it's time to return. It's been three weeks. My rage has not faded. Nor my regret. I miss Jamie and Casper. I head back in the night. It's dark. I make my way back down to that familiar alley. Down those streets. They feel familiar. I want to go back. But it's too late for that now. I find those door and I'm in. The security sucks. I find the leaders rooms. I slip in. Silently slash the heads off. Room after room. I notice the lack of one twin. I finish off the sleeping leaders. My training has paid off.

I wait in the dining hall. One leaders mask on. The wolf. In the morning, everyone rushes in and I lock the doors. I can take them all if need be. There are a lot less than before. It takes a moment for everyone to notice the lack of leaders besides wolf. I rise to the podium and remove the mask.

Everyone gasps and the begin to realize what has happened. It doesn't take a genius. I see Jamie. Betrayal in her eyes.

"I am your new leader now. Obey me, or die" and I flash my kagune.

Caleb rushes up. "Long time no see, traitor." And there goes his head. It lands next to the second sectors leader. They are subdued now. They know I am stronger.

Jamie rises and screams, "you left us in our time of need! We had to retreat and you where no where to be found! How could you just abandon us? Abandon me?" And she collapses in tears. I hurt her. Buts it's too late for apologies.

I bring them together and force them to the woods and trap them in my cave system. They are like caged animals. All enraged. I retrieve calebs body and eat it. Cannibalism.

He is rough and chewy, and has an odd flavor. I gag but I develop a taste for ghoul meat.

There are roughly forty ghouls left. A small army. I torture jack. Ripping off a limb each day and barely feeding him. They grow back. And I eat them. Sometimes, I make him eat them. It's fun. He ruined my life. Now I ruin his.

I capture humans and turn them into ghouls. My new allies. My favorite is a child, Severus. He's brutal and loves his newfound power. He was an orphan and I train him. He has a brother, Chris. He's younger, but we will work on him. These are my officers. They are young and will obey me. I can warp them and twist their morals. Like wet clay.

I stroll in front of cages, laughing. I have the power. I gather stray ghouls and they work for me in exchange for a space place to stay. I train everyone, even my prisoners. They rely completely on me.

I stop by Jamie and she whispers, distraught. "Why... How could you do this... Why did you leave... I... I want.... ANSWERS" and her voice rises and cracks and she sobs. I feel the knot forming in my stomach. Pain. I take her hands through the bars but she rips them away.

"This world is corrupt. Everyone is evil. I am fixing things."

"No. No you are not. You are a vile and evil creature who deserves death. Die in a hole you filthy swine! Get out of my sight!"

"Well that's no way to talk to your leader. I could take your head off right now. But I won't. Because... I- I love you Jamie... I always have."

"I hate your damn guts." And she heads to the back of her cage and faces away. I can see her body shake with sorrow and pain.

The next day, I find her head, and I find out from others that she bashed her head into the ground until she died.


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