A Note for Jace

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Pov: Felix

"Well officer, how did the interview go? May I see the notes?" I take read the notes carefully and sneer. "No sense of justice or morals, huh? Well they are all idiots. Humans don't get it, do they? Well I have something to say to them. I shall write a letter and deliver it through a window. See what they make of that."

'Hello Jace. You don't know me, but I've been watching you. We have no justice or morals? No friends or family? You are dead wrong. We just want to live. It's not our fault we must eat humans. I am a half ghoul, born a human, turned into a ghoul. I am who you call 'slasher'. Very nice to meet you. We need to eat. Same as you. Many of us eat as little as possible. Once a month, just enough to survive. How long can humans survive without food? It's like only allowing a person one meal during that time. Just enough to survive. You will feel the pain and hunger. Just like us. We band together and distribute food. We had an organization called the hive, but it was corrupt. We sacrificed our people and hated humans. But I disbanded it. The hive is no more. We are now a new civilization, with a better code. We eat once a month. We punish those who do wrong. We have a government. I am the king. Those who eat too much or cause unnecessary pain to others are killed and eaten. That saves a human life for the month. We deserve to live. We have morals and justice and friends and family. We take care of each other. So go die in a hole you idiot. -with love and respect, slasher'

I draw a heart next to my name. Cute.

At night, I put on my mask and jump from roof to roof until I reach the gi headquarters and find the room with the desk covered in papers with jaces name on them and force the window open. I slip in and lay it on the chair. Done. In and out. Easy.

Except I'm not alone. I see a man, very much awake. He's in the corner, but he's defenseless.

"Are you Jace?" A nod. "Hi! I'm sla-"

"I know who you are. I'll kill you"

"Ok. Have fun. I wrote you a nice little letter. Read it. Okay. Have a nice night. Slasher out." Peace signs and I flip out the window and hit the pavement and run. I don't look back. That was close. There wasn't enough room to use my kagune in there. 

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