Chapter 2 -The World Beyond

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Please give me your comments, I don’t mind it's harshness



"Argh, damn it, this headache is killing me, my body is in pain, I feel like the shape of my body has changed, I can barely open my eyes, why is there so much light, where am I. Why cant I see anything, why is this so freaking frustrating." Oh my gosh was the first thing I thought of when I could see clearly, I was in the middle of a forest somewhere unknown, and as I try to remember what happened, my mind is in pain, I keep hearing the beating of my heart, it is louder and louder, I cant stop hearing it, argh I wish it could stop, I need someone to help me, I don’t know what to do, the pain is too much, all I see is Jason lying down beside me knocked out cold, and the beautiful forest that seemed to have little shiny things in the air, it looks like its moving but I don’t care, the pain is too much for me to concentrate on something else, I try to get up and find some herbs or something that could help me, argh all I see is green, at this point I am going to fucking die, I don’t want to die, not like this anyway, I always expected to get married to the most amazing gal out there, I wanted to go to Jason's wedding and secretly make jokes at him while the ceremony is going on, I always wanted to be close to my best friend and his wife, I want kids too, adorable cute kids 2 girls and 2 boys, along side Jason and his wife and maybe they could have kids too and we would have barbeques and all those fun things we see grown up's do. I also wanted to finish my anime, oh my anime I am gonna miss it, I am about to burst into tears damn it, I still didn't finish "One Piece" even though I stopped my self because of my studies, but gosh I am gonna miss it, I just wanted to see Luffy be the boss again, now that I think about it, the way Luffy becomes like a boss for his friends, Jason did the same thing. Why did I not know of this, Jason was always there for me, even when the times were sad like when I was dumped, to be honest Jason never wanted a girlfriend, he thought that he couldn't date a girl he doesn't even like, to be honest the day my girlfriend dumped me, that bitch with her black pin straightened hair with her lips and those gorgeous eyes and that amazing body was cheating on me, I knew it but I never believed it, Jason knew and when he told me I resented it, a week later after he told me she dumped me and I saw her leave with another guy, that made me angry and then I looked at Jason and just smiled "Heh you were right, she was a mean bitch." We walked away laughing too. Gosh why did I have to realize all this now, I don’t want to die without telling Jason thank you for everything he did for me. I stared at Jason quietly ignoring the pain, the beats in my mind, just staring at Jason and suddenly I was knocked out, something hit me in the head, and I could still feel my body, someone was touching it, was moving it, they are taking Jason too, I can hear his body being dragged, the pain stopped when I was hit, its all good now, but Jason, where are they taking Jason, where are they taking me too ?


All I see is the void and Eric was gone, he went far ahead somehow, I don’t know what to do, I need a miracle to help me here, I need someone to help me and suddenly I saw an exit, the void just ended there, I fell out and spotted Jason right there knocked out, suddenly I fell face first, was knocked out too.

I woke up and found my self in chains, in a closed cell, like a prison cell but worse, I could hear people getting tortured and could hear the questions, I guess that is what waked me up, the truth is I was fine knocked out, I was dreaming of me and Eric, how we would have fun in high school no matter how hellish it is but well dreams are bloody dreams, nothing changes, when I woke up I looked around for Eric and found him knocked out bleeding from the topside of his head, I was frightened, I didn’t want my best friend to bleed, I didn’t even want him to be here, I didn’t want him to be dragged into something I don’t even know my self, and suddenly a woman came next to the cellar doors, It was made of steel and had 3 keyholes and apparently requires 3 keys, what logic is that, why not make a door with 1 key ? Are they retarded or just plain dumb and as she opened the door, she came near me and grabbed my face, moving my face left to right, I didn’t know what they wanted and I didn’t care and I immediately started yelling " My friend he’s injured please help him please !!" She laughed, and just said " Son of the Light and Darkness has no right to ask anything of me." For a second there I made an expression that would seem like I said "SON OF LIGHT AND WHAT ? WHAT THE HELL IS THE MATTER WITH YOU PEOPLE JUST HELP HIM." But I stopped my self before my mouth even opened then they sent some man inside the cell and with him he had this bag and inside he had this powder and he took out a few drops and just placed 1 by 1 on Eric's head and suddenly his head was radiating with light, at that moment my mind was mind blown, I was staring at Eric's head just glowing like hell and suddenly Eric woke up and I stared at him and he stared back at me saying "I aint going that easy buddy." And I instantly smiled, my best friend is alright, the man just left with his bag and suddenly I was happy, I looked around and noticed that the cell only fitted 2 people in each and thought that it was private enough, Eric asked me what was going on and then I told him bout that woman who said "Son of Light and Darkness" Eric suddenly said that it maybe about my parents, suddenly an expression came on my face, Eric noticed it, and asked me about it and then I told him about the most messed up parents. I started talking " My Parents huh, they are the most insane people I have ever seen, before I met you, they took me on a helicopter to an uncharted bloody island and made me Parachute down, DO YOU REALISE HOW SCARED I WAS ? They just told me which pulls what and said "Survive there for 10 days." I was crying in front of them but they didn’t even care, and suddenly BAM I was kicked off by my MOTHER, I peed my self falling from a freakishly long height, I barely survived there, I had to find some food that I didn’t need to hunt for, barely made a fire, I found some people there camping and I stole some things from their camp and made it with matchsticks, some delicious candy, and so much water, to be honest I thought I wouldn't make it without taking from those campers, when I got there I just saw 3 tents and just went for the one which had most stuff, I entered the tent and saw a man just hugging a woman, at that age I never thought of sex or anything else, all I wanted to do at that island was bloody live and to be honest as I was stealing shit, I found guns, I was scared when I saw them guns but there was like those guns from the games I have on my play station 2 and it was scary. At the end I managed to survive, then after I met you, in the summer break in Middle school, they dropped me off at Antarctica to live there for 3 days, 3 COLD DAYS, They even laughed, I just gave them a look and walked away and they just laughed, to be honest to only appropriate person that deserves to be called a parent was my half brother. I never told you this but I have a half brother."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2013 ⏰

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