Chapter 3

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"Where are you going?" My friend ask, smiling. He was a bit taller than me, and had white hair that he hid under a black sweatshirt. Strangely, he had red-ish eyes and ghostly-white skin but it looked almost normal to me by now. His voice was slightly deeper than mine, and he had a strange ability to move without sound.
"Back home." I explain, "It's early and my family could be worried."
"Aw like they would worry about you." He laughs.
My face turns red with anger, "What's that supposed to me, huh!?"
"Woah sorry," he shakes his hands I front of him, trying to erase what he just said. "I meant they probably haven't noticed, it's still relatively early."
I glare, "I guess."
"C'mon let's have some real fun."
"Can't. Sorry, maybe another time." I turn to walk away but soon I am face to face with him again.
"Why not now?" He gives me a crooked smile and I take a big step back.
"I am going home." I say firmly, hand in a fist in my pockets.
"But why? It's such a nice morning. The birds are chirping, moments like these don't last forever."
"I guess so..." I look around the desolate park, it was very peaceful. It felt like I hadn't been alone like this for a while. It was so peaceful, so calm. I begin to walk through the park, leaving my friend far behind. The birds chirped at a distance, and before I knew it I was standing below a big pine tree. And I was gonna climb it. I leaped for the first branch, my hand stuck to the sap like glue and I swung myself up. I walked with ease to the trunk, I climbed up it like a poll, only using some of the branched for support. I don't know where this new strength and energy came from, maybe I was just growing up. I reach for the top branch and sat on it, the view was incredible. A sense of pride washed over me, I could see the entire park from where I was. The air was light, my eyes squinted against the sun.
"It really is beautiful." I mumble with a smile.
"Yes it is." I voice snickers behind me. I spin around, almost losing my balance to feel a light breeze rush through me. My eyes become out of focus, my head snaps to attention harshly, giving me a massive headache  otherwise I felt okay. The world was still beautiful, just a little darker than I remember. And quieter, almost dead silent in fact.
Suddenly, I sense of tiredness and loneliness washed over me. I swayed a little, my head spun and soon I fell right through all the branches and landed at the base with a big crash.

"Danny..." Someone says. I opens my eyes to see a bright light being shined in them. I squint, and the doctor sigh with relief. I'm in an ambulance, I think. My family is sitting to my left, it hurts my neck to look at them too much.
"Danny!" Jazz yells with relief, shaking my depressed parent. They smile as if a burden was taken off of them just now.
"Can you tell me your name?" He doctor asks.
"Danny Phantom." I mutter, not really awake yet.
"Excuse me?"
"Danny Fenton." I shout.
I feel Jazz touch my arm, "Calm down Danny. That fall was bad."
Fall? Oh right. Tree. 4 am. My friend. Loneliness.
"Doc do you think he'll be okay?" My dad asks as the car slows down.
"He'll be fine. Just some small sprains and a dislocated shoulder. You're son must be made out of steal, sir. Not a single broken bone in him and from his fall it's shocking."
"How do they know where I fell from?" I wonder to myself.
"Jazz had driven out to find you." My mom responds, an edge to her voice. "She saw you sitting on the top branch, said she was yelling at you for a while before you fell."
"Shit! Did I say that out loud?" I think.
"Yes and language, Danny." My mom respond harshly. I jump a little and cry out with pain, the doctor tells me to try to avoid moving. The. the doctors take down the bed and carry me inside and right into a room. It began to spin, I thought I saw my friend for a second but now I don't.
"Okay son lets get you fixed up." The doctor pulls out some ace bandages, "Try not to move your right side, that shoulder doesn't look to good." I stay still and wince as he pops it back into place, the pain pretty meh. He stitches up a gash on my leg I didn't even notice, still almost no pain. It felt as bad ass a paper cut, hurt for a bit but then fine.
What was going on?
"Huh?" I say as the doctor puts a sling on my arm. "Is that it?"
"I'm telling you, you were made of steal son. From that hight I'm surprised death wasn't your biggest injury."
"Death? You think I could have died?"
"Totally. Landed on your head or your stomach on a hard rock and splat." He smiles awkwardly, crookedly. Uncomfortably.
"Yeah uh... Right." I mumble. The doctor winks and walks out, apparently over five hours had gone by. Time was weird anyways, a minute could feel like a second or an hour. Why couldn't I go somewhere where time didn't exist, somewhere dark and silence and full of things hat understand me. Things like ghosts, I guess. Things that can help me.
"DANNY!" I'm snap to attention so suddenly my arm almost pulls out again and I scream in pain. I look over to see my sister biting on her nails, a scared expression.
"Huh?" I respond.
"Please stop doing that you are going to give me a heart attack." Jazz had tears in her eyes.
"Doing... What?" I mumble, my own words sounding awkward.
"You keep spacing out. STOP IT!" She stomps her foot. "You are going to actually die one of these days from your spacey mind!"
"Die?" I think looking out the big window into the bright afternoon, "But I'm already dead..."

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