Chapter 12

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I jump up quickly, my head hurting like crazy. I grab my heart only to feel my sweaty chest and coldness. Lots and lots of nothing.
"W-Where am I?" I say loud enough so my voice vibrated off of the hallway. I pick myself up slowly, my stomach in my throat. My feet freeze against the cold tile floor, the thin pants I have on the only thing keeping me warm. It's pitch black, a few flickering lights up a head. I rub my hands together, I can feel they are wet with sweat and something else. Grabbing my shoulders, I hold my self and continue to walk. I can't remember anything about myself or where I am or what's happening, but I need to go somewhere. I rub my hands up and down my arms, feeling someone whispering in the soft wind in the hallway. I continue to walk, but something hits my bare feet. Nearing the flickering light, I see something on he ground. It's a red liquid, floating down the smooth tile. I look down to see it had hit the bottom of my pants and stained my feet. I squint farther down to see someone.
"H-Hello?" I call out, inching through the bloody mess, "Who's there? Where am I?" I continue on, looking at all the splattered walls as the light flickers out and I'm left back in darkness. I reach for the wall and run my fingers along it until I feel something cold and slimy touch it. I jump back with a start and my hands glow a bring red, my eyes meet an unfortunate fate and I fall back. The person was obviously dead, there eyes were blank and crusted over. I scan his body; neck snapped, arms broken off, organs pulled out of his body. I flatten myself against the wall, my breath was heavy as fuck.
"Oh my god!" I scream as my calmness slipped away. "Oh my fucking God. Holy fucking shi-" I threw up onto the floor. My stomach had dropped quickly. I felt my body shaking, that guy was d-dead. I-I could see myself doing it.
Tears flooded my eyes as I puked again and began to run. My throat burned from my stomach acid and my hands were covered in blood. Everything was a blur but I knew it was my fault. My fault, my fault, my fault, my fault, my fault, my fault-
My hands were glowing brighter as I passed person after person down the hallway, they were all burned and twisted and snapped and broken and bloody, I couldn't take it. My head was pounding I couldn't stop my feet from running. It was gross! It was disgusting!
It was funny?
I felt my mouth creep into a smile and I felt like I was going to puke again. My eyes squinted, the room darkened, my feet just kept on pounding by
And then I was falling
I look up to see I had smashed through one of the walls, a fire starting on at least the tenth floor of where ever I was. I look down as the ground neared. This is it, this is the end, I'm about to die.
My mouth creeps into another smile and I feel my humanity being ripped off of my skin by the harsh wind of winter. I see the white ground, it becomes closer and closer and closer and closer and-
I get up, my entire body stinging a little. I look around me, the snow all red and pounded in. The wall dripped a little as my body had literally exploded all its fluids everywhere. A chill creeps up my spin as I walk away, my body feeling light. I brush through the snow with ease as my memories flood back to me, and my mouth smiles once again.
My name was Danny Fenton and I have done some terrible things.
"Danny!" I hear someone shout. I turn to see Jazz running at me full force, tears in her eyes and a red face.
"Jazz!" I call back with a smile and open my arms expecting a hug.
"Danny please!" Jazz says behind me. I turn around quickly and scream. There it was, me. I was dead
There was a small pothole in the snow where I had landed and blood was sprayed everywhere. My arm was twisted in a way no arm should be and my legs were clearly dislocated. My face was buried in snow, most of the blood around there and I turn around. I feel tears slide down my face as my non-body trembles.
"MOTHER FUCKER!" I scream. "MOTHER OF FUCKING- HOLY SHIT WAFFLES OF- GAH WHAT THE FUCKING SH- GAHAHAHA!" I start flailing and punching the air, my legs able to leave the ground without me falling. I was dead, gone, dead, gone, absolutely disappeared from this world. I would never get to drive, or feel my friends hug me or kiss Sam or be with my family again-
"Danny please." I turn around to see Jazz on her knees in the red snow, shaking as she reaches for my head. "Danny please be alive. Please I can't- CMON DANNY WAKE UP!"
I inhale and hold my breath, tears streaming down my face. "No Jazz! Please! IM RIGHT HERE!! JAZZ PLEASE STOP IM RIGHT HERE! JAZZ PL-"
"Touching." Someone says with a sharp voice. I turn around to see my friend floating there, a smug smile on his face. "Really... I'm moved."
"Y-You just- I mean-" I take a quivering breath, "why?"
"Why?" He rolls back laughing, "Why not?"
"I don't-"
"Destroying loves is what I do." He clears his throat. "Every ghost wants to feel alive again, hats common knowledge."
"But why... Kill... me?" I manage to say.
"It's a little game I play," he checks his nails like a douche should. "Now comes my favorite part." My eyes were too filled with tears to even ask him what he meant. I was a ghost. Dead. Nothing. Gone. I wasn't alive anymore. No one could see me, everyone's lives has a me-sized hole in it now. Forever.
"Danny... You can't be..." Jazz is crying and I hear ambulances approaching and cars speeding against the snowy slopes.
"Here's how the game ends." His smooth voice bites through the thick air in my ears and hits my brain hard. "You can either let me possess your body, fill that whole and all your friends and family life you just plummeted out of."
"...Or?" I manage to say through the lump in the throat. My dead, spirited, ghost throat.
"You can stay dead, forever. And let everyone you love suffer for all of eternity." He smirks as he floats in front of me. "They'll always say they're over it, that they can finally move on. But believe me, they never will. Ever."
"I-I-" I began to stutter.
"Take your time." He laughs a little. "You have until the paramedics come."



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