Chapter 5

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After I smashed through a windshield and (almost) killed Jazz, it was decided I would go to therapy. Not once-a-week-talk-about-your-feelings therapy. Nope, everyday except Saturday's and Tuesday's I was there for an hour. Tuesday's I had to go to school, which would be a fun experience for tomorrow, I guess. Sunday's and Thursdays are physical therapy- the car accident apparently gave me broken ribs and a broken hand- and the rest was just therapy. Saturday's, that was for friends and family. Not me time, I had spend every second with someone else, which sounded horrible to me.
But again, nobody had asked me.
"So Danny," My therapist began, his legs crossed and a clip bored balanced on it. "How have you been?"
"Good." I respond with a smile. He shrugs and writes stuff down. I continue to smile, I had a small feeling he could see right through me. Like I was transparent. Like I was intangible.
Just like a ghost.
I smile at that thought. Ghosts are cool, and ever since that ghost portal was working, I have found myself randomly curious about it. A portal to another world, it broke the laws of science (probably I haven't been to school in a while) and ghosts of all things.
"Danny." A voice breaks my train of thought. I look up to see my therapist raising his eyebrows at me.
"Yeah?" I force a smile on my face.
"I heard you mumbling something about... Ghosts?"
"Oh yeah." I feel my blood rise to my cheeks. "I like ghosts. I think they're cool."
"You okay, son?" He leans forward. "You look a little green?"
I touch my cheeks, "Really?"
"Yeah." He shakes his head. "Speaking of green you told me last week you were color blind suddenly?"
"I did?" I lean back and look at the ceiling. There were so many cracks, this place must be pretty cheep to rent. But like... It was a psychologist office and a psychologist salary probably couldn't get a suitable, uncracked office to be completely honest. I mean, my parents were scientist, there inventions were sold sometimes to rack up some cash for an uncracked-lab. I'm sure a-
"Daniel." Something lands on my shoulder. I jump out of my skin, flailing limbs and flip around, pinning my back to the wall. I see my psychologist there, inches from me. Apparently, at some point, I had gotten up and was standing right next to his door.
"Oh sorry." I blush again. "Must have gotten distracted."
"Yes." He nods. "Danny do you mind grabbing your parents from the waiting room? There is something I would like to discuss to them privately."
"Oh... Okay." I get up and walk through the door, the door handle sorta hot and make my way down the thin hallway of diploma into the massive waiting room with teenagers and kids alike well... waiting in there. I spot my parents reading a magazine and playing with toys (you could probably guess which is which)
"You done early?" My mom asks as she catches my eye.
"No. He just wants to talk to you guys." I mumble back, sitting on the floor against the wall.
My dad starts as he stands up, "Danny there are plenty of chairs-"
"I'm good." I interrupt. They shrug and leave, that what they usually say anyways. It must be hard to have a cra- mentally ill person as a kid. I was a liability, probably sucked to have me as a child.
I watch as teenagers text away on there phones, some of them elbowing each other occasionally. The kids played with the few toys they had lying around like some building blocks and a doll house. My eyes catch one of the kids eyes, staring at me.
"Hi?" I wave and the girl whispers something to her mom.
"Honey that's not polite." The mom tugs on her daughter's sleeve without looking up.
"But mommy the boy mouth is bleeding!" She shouts. I suddenly look down to see a pool of blood under me. Screams break through the room and I hold my mouth, pain suddenly breaking from my cheeks. I had been chewing on them so hard, they felt almost shredded.
"You okay?" A girl about my age asked.
I nod, eyes wide.
"Clearly no where are your parents!?" She shrieks in a high voice. I point down one of the hallways, feeling light headed. She runs by and I let go of my mouth, blood spilling out onto the carpeting. All I saw was green, my blood looked green. But maybe that was because that's all I could see.
"Oh my god Danny!" My mom cries out.
"I'm fine." I reassure, more blood falling out every time I talked.
"Let's get you cleaned up." My mom grabs my wrist and leads me into the bathroom.
"Mom I swear I'm fine!" I say.
"Stop that you are NOT fine!" I saw tears in her eyes. We enter the bathroom and he gave me a shit ton of paper towels and gave me a cup of water to rinse myself.
"Does it hurt?" She asks.
"Not at all."
"Do you even remember?"
"Oh that's what I'm afraid of."
"What do you-?"
"Nothing." She interrupts and the bleeding stops quickly, still green.
"Maybe I shouldn't go to school." I interject.
"No that will help you." She sighs. "Just try to pay more attention,
"I am trying!" I shout back. "You think this is a choice?"
"Danny," she places her hand on my shoulder.
"What now!?" I shrug her off anger radiating through me, "Stop pretending to care! I know all you think of me is a liability!"
Her face heats up, "Is that what you think!"
"Dad and you are just biting your time until you can rid of me! You think I haven't noticed the fact that you have been talking to me less? How you are so fine with getting rid of me for a day-"
I feel me self pressed forcefully into a hug, "Danny we care about you. We were just trying to I've you space, that's all."
The anger leaves me and I lean into a hug with her, closing my eyes. That haunting smile still there, whispering words I couldn't hear.






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