Chapter 4

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I got out of the hospital feeling worse than when i entered. I feel loopy and off, I didn't say much either. I feel lonely, I feel tired, I feel dazed, I feel horrible
I feel dead.
"Danny I think you should go back to school." My mom says as we leave. I stare wide eyed at the road for a while. No, too much interaction. I can't sleep there, I can't eat. I can't be by myself and what am I-
"I think you should too." My sister chimes in. I give her a scary look out of the corner of my eye.
"Then it's decided." My mom concludes.
"What you're not even gonna ask me!?" I snap loudly as we all get into the van.
"Well clearly you are going to keep putting it off." Jazz says matter-of-factly. "You hate school! Like you would want to go back."
"So what if I want to!" I scream. "I'm not feeling well why should I go back and be miserable instead of stay home and-"
"Be miserable?" My mom finishes. I shrink in my seat, so much for avoiding human interaction. I peer out my window and stare blankly as house and trees wiz by without a any individuality. Everything was either grey or greyer or greyest. In fact, the only color I could see was green! I blink fast, rub my eyes and look out the front. No color, just green and grey and black and white.
"I think I'm color blind." I say and scratch at my eyes more.
"Danny you can't become color blind!" Jazz laughs.
"You're just tired." My mom adds.
"Don't worry about it, you'll be fine." My sister says.
"Maybe you're just hungry!" My dad adds.
"Oh I'm hungry."
"Me too!"
"I don't feel like cooking tho. Where do you guys want to go?"
"Chinese would be good."
"Nah Dad we just had that. Italian is my vote."
"Now Jazz we always go there. It's my turns to pick."
And just like that the conversation went from my medical state to what the plan was for dinner. I chew on my lip, maybe I was just hungry. Maybe I'll wake up and this would have all been a bad dream. A terrible nightmare. I never would have listened to Sam and Tucker and went into the portal and died or half die or do whatever happened. I would be going to boring classes and getting regularly bullied and not having to deal with things 14 year old boys should worry about never EVER again.
But even my parents haven't invented a time machine.

The next day I was woken up to a voice shouting "Danny school don't forget!"
"Jazz." I grit my teeth. I sit up and yawn to see she was yelling from her room and through a few walls, yet her voice was loud enough to wake me up.
"She's not very nice." Another voice chirps. I jump to see my friend sitting in a chair. He smiles, "Hope you at least had a decent sleep."
I look at my hands. " I don't even remember getting into bed. Or what we had for dinner last night."
"Well I can't tell you that." He gets up and stretches himself. "But get ready. School should be fun for you."
"Yeah. You wanna come?"
"Oh I hope that was sarcastic."
"Actually no. Lately everyone's been getting on my nerves."
"Well I can't come." He concludes. "But have fun. Make plenty of new friends and don't climb any trees."
"Ha ha ha." I mock sarcastically. He leaves (could not tell you how he left without anyone seeing though) and I put on new clothes slowly and painfully. The clock ticked slow, but time whizzed by and before I knew it I was sitting in the passenger seat of Jazz's mini car. While I decided to stay silent, Jazz decided to fill that silence with a lecture.
"Listen Danny I know it's gonna be hard."
I shift my position to face the window.
"Kids will have noticed your absence..."
I look out the window.
"...even if you think you're invisible..."
I make a face.
"... You're not...."
I face forward again
"...invisibility is impossible..."
I begin to space out.
"...unless you're like a ghost or something!"
Before I knew what I was doing there was a big hole punched into Jazz's windshield. She screams and the car halts to such a stop that the air bags pop up and cars swerve and honk to avoid us. I stay lying on the air bag, my head spinning. I close my eyes to see a smile appear in my head. Not one of those happy-to-see-you-person's smile or an awkward-moment smile. Fangs lined in a row, menacing red eyes above them. It was a creepy, stalkerish sorta smile that any Creepypasta character would make in a heart beat (except, of course, Slendy's proxy because they all cover their mouths)
"Danny!" Jazz screams. I sit up and she lets out a high-pitched howl.
"Huh?" I ask. I look down to see huge shards of glass all over my hand, blood running through it like a waterfall hitting rocks.
"Don't move!" She squeals and carefully opens her door.
"Danny you have glass IN YOUR HEAD!" She screams. Looking into the rear view mirror, I try not to move as she cups her hands over her mouth and screams for help, although people have already gathered in packs. I go to get out of the car, my body on auto pilot. People murmur but it's like their voice have a thick gloss over them, I can't even register what they are saying. Stumbling forward, my feet catch on the ground and I fall forward, screams appear around me and I smile. I feel someone's arms jut into my shoulders and I cry in pain.
"Kid!" The someone shouts in my face and stands me upright, "What are you doing!?"
"Huh?" The world is still sorta fuzzy.
"If you would have fallen all the class in your head would have gone deeper and killed you!"
"What?" I respond, my voice faint. "Why is that even a big deal?"
"Are you serious!?" The guy screams in my ear.
I nod.
"Wha- it's death! I think you may have head trauma! We better get you to the hospital!"
And in a flurry of motion the world swiftly fades to black...
The same smile still haunting me

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