Chapter 10

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I didn't sleep for the rest of my night. I was pacing and pacing, my hand was shredded and my mouth tasted like blood. Did I chew it? Why couldn't I remember? My mind was fogging over, what did I do earlier today? I went to school- no the psychiatrist? What happened today and what happened yesterday? Yesterday I beat up Dash right- or was that two days ago?
"It's alright Danny." I curl up in the corner, "You can do this. We- I mean I, can do this. I'm Danny freaking Phantom. Fenton! I m-meant Fenton."
Oh what was I doing!? I pull my legs in tighter and stare at the clock. 3:07 am. I watch carefully as the ":" blinks for each second. The light was grey, thank god it's supposed to be red. I'm happy I can't see it. The darkness settles around me but I'm still on edge. Something is there, breathing down my neck, staring at me, ready to pounce. I wait and wait and wait and wait for morning.

"Danny?" I look up, hair pulled thin to see Jazz in the doorway.
"Yeah?" I mumble, shaking nervously.
"Do you want anything to eat? I'm making breakfast."
"Nothing." I begin to bite my nails on my good hand. "Good I'm good. Totally fine. Not hungry. I'm good I'm good I'm good-"
"Danny." Jazz says, interrupting me. "Did you get any sleep last night?"
"Yeah. Went right to bed. Nothing happened. Nothing nothing nothing. Totally not tired totally and completely fine-"
"Danny." Jazz interrupts me again. I don't know why, my mouth wouldn't shut up. Neither would my mind, thoughts went through it so fast it was like trying to catch thousands of little spiders scurrying by your feet. Thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands-
"Danny I want you to see Mr. Cuff today."
"Who?" I respond. Who is this person? Seems scary and weird. Maybe married. It's weird how Mrs and Ms are different but mr isn't. I mean I feel like-
"Your psychiatrist." She says. I jump as I notice she is next to me. "Danny let's go."
"No!" I scream and reach out my hands and attach them to the wall. "I'm not leaving this spot!"
"Danny we need to go. You need someone to help you!" Jazz screams as I feel my hands get warm and dry, the wall beginning to crack.
"I don't need anyone to help me! I told you I'm fine. I'm good. Totally awesome. I don't need people. I can just be alone. Alone. Alone forever. I don't care. I don't need you. I don't need anyone. I'm fine all by myself."
"No you're not!" Jazz snaps as my hand burst through the wall, plaster lining around me. The bang led my parents to my doorway.
"What's going on?" My mom asks.
"Danny is everything okay?" My dad adds.
"Yeah." I bite down on my lip so hard to stop talking that I think I broke some skin.
"Jazz?" My mom turns to her. "Is everything okay?"
"N-" she cuts herself off. "Yeah. Danny and i are just going to go for a walk."
"No!" I snap. "We aren't. I never said okay to that. There is no way. No I stay here. You leave. So leave. Everyone leave. LEAVE!"
"Danny." My sister looks me in the eyes. "I just want to spend some time outside with you."
"But I-" I start but I find myself already standing up. Jazz bring me past our parents and takes me downstairs. She hands me a dark grey sweatshirt and I slip on my sneakers while putting it on. Pulling up the hood, we leave the safety of my house and onto the gross streets. We walk in silence for a bit, but how long do you think that lasted?
"Nice weather, huh?" She smiles.
"You don't have to do this Jazz." I snap. "I know I'm just a pest just let me off myself so you can stop trying to be nice."
"Danny if you off yourself I'll be more miserable than I am now."
"So you are miserable?"
"Shush." She shushes me. "I'm enjoying the weather."
"The weather is stupid." I mumble. "It just signals the passage of time."
"Yeah I guess it does." Jazz chuckles. We pass by person after person, and I try not to make eye contact but I can tell they are staring at me. Noticing my shaggy, thin black and white hair over his dilated eyes, which have heavy bags under them. They saw my snow-white pale skin and broken hand. Probably some blood dripping from somewhere I couldn't feel or see.
"Let's go to the park." Jazz reaches for my bad hand I smack it away with my good one.
"No." I snap. "I don't want to go to the park."
"Stop acting like a child." Jazz snaps back.
"Stop acting like an adult!" I shout back.
She balls up her fists and says calmly, "I'm just trying to help."
"I DONT NEED YOUR HELP." I scream backs people stopping and staring. Breathing heavily, I ball up may hands too. "I HATE YOU JUST GO AWAY FOREVER!!"
Jazz looks hurt, at a loss of words, "What?"
"LISTEN THE FUCK UP!" I scream, my hood falling off. "I DONT LIKE YOU!"
Jazz looks around at all the people staring and begins to reach for my hand, "Danny let's go home." I feel her firmly grab my good hand and I pull it out without any trouble, causing my head to spin. I can see and feel people staring. Everything, I just want to die was staring at me. Judging me. Their eyes hurt I want them to go away!!!
'Good good let it all out' buzzes in my ear
"I FUCKING HATE EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING ON THIS FUCKING PLANET! I WANT YOU ALL TO JUST DIE!" I begin to curl up, eyes closed, then with an explosion of energy I stretch out, "JUST BE QUIET AND JUST DIIIIEEEEE!" I keep my eyes closed, standing up. The world is silent, very very very silent. The murmurs of watchers has stopped, cars have stopped, time has stopped.
I open one eye, and then the other. Staggering backwards, I almost puke in the side of the road. Everyone who was watching was cut up and burnt, dead. Just lying on the floor, fires still scorching their clothes.
Shaking, I look down to see Jazz crouched on the floor, hands over her head. I back up, slowly and tripping over some detached limbs.
What a beautiful sight
I begin to smile and laugh. My mouth plastered in a wide smile just laughing. It felt like fun, it felt like fun, it felt like fun. Killing people, it's totally fine they are just ghosts, lucky bastards.
"W-Why am I laughing when I feel like barfing?" I still laugh and fall over a little bit.
"D-Danny?" Jazz stands up and looks at me, horrifying and letting her lunch slip back out of her lips. Our eyes meet and her look burns into a brain.
I laugh some more, falling into some blood. "B- But aren't you happy Jazz? I'm having s-some fun on our w-walk!" She stares still as I fall over and land in the pool of blood. My arms swish around as my hand meets someone's detached arm. I grab it and put it in my mouth like a dog and shake it around.
"D-Danny?" Jazz stumbles backwards.
I laugh as I spit out the arm. "It's okay Jazz I'll visit them all tonight." I run my hand through the blood. "Lucky bastards get to die and be ghosts before me, don't you think?" I look up to see she's gone. I still laugh as I hear a siren, the blood sticking me to the ground. I laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh.

You see it is so much fun?

Yes! I now see it is...




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